German Journalists Detained by Israeli Soldiers: 'Held Us at Gunpoint and Asked if We Were Jewish'
German Journalists Detained by Israeli Soldiers: 'Held Us at Gunpoint and Asked if We Were Jewish'


German Journalists Detained by Israeli Soldiers: 'Held Us at Gunpoint and Asked if We Were Jewish'
It's okay the German government has thrown its "unconditional support" at this rogue far-right extremist state.
While at the same time calling for a stop of the murdering of civillians. Best to watch the whole Habeck speach not just half.
Talk is cheap.
History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.
There's so many levels of irony in this conflict from the German side...
"Jews holding Germans at gunpoint and trying to find out if they're Jewish" instead of "Germans holding Jews at gunpoint and trying to find out if they're Jewish" ...
Germans helping extremist Jews commit genocide to expand their lebensraum instead of the Germans committing genocide against the Jews so they can expand their lebensraum...
How the Germans are supporting israel is truly beyond me. Didn't even take them 100 years to forget what happened.
That is so messed up to see for the journalists.
Uno reverse