The secret life of .well-known
The secret life of .well-known
I recently went on quite a rabbit hole regarding the .well-known directory, and wrote about it.
The secret life of .well-known
I recently went on quite a rabbit hole regarding the .well-known directory, and wrote about it.
It's a really nice anecdote where I see myself reflected haha, I'm just in the middle of something similar with RSA and Ed25519, and also the post-quantum cryptography scene.
But usually once I'm done investigating and I think I understood something well enough I simply bookmark the links, write some bullet points in my notes and that's it.
Do you also have this issue? Do you finish the investigation and start writing for a blog post right away? Or do you just come back to it after some time?
Haha this is exactly me. That habit of losing the knowledge rapidly post investigation is something I'm trying to break, and that's part of the reason I banged out this blog post immediately after my itch was satisfied.
The "I have to tell people about this NOW" vibe also carried me through completing my website (just so I could publish this blog post)