Everybody is meming it
Everybody is meming it
Everybody is meming it
everyone is high on ketracel white and I'm here like ketracel WHY?!
This is what happens when you've watched a few episodes of Trek and think 'oh boy, another meme community!'
Still, this place is great! I just don't understand 80% of the content.
Yeah, my Star Trek knowledge starts and ends with the movies (both the OG Trilogy and the two Abrams films), so most of these meme might as well be in Klingon. But everyone else is having so much fun that it's fun laugh along like I understand the jokes.
On a related note, if I wanted to get onto Star Trek, what series does everyone recommend starting with?
@EmiliaTheHero @photonicsorcerer
The newer series do fan service referencing old series so you may miss jokes and references. Anyway, Strange New Worlds would be a good starting point. It doesn't matter if you miss references to enjoy it.
Older series "require" less previous knowledge because there is less lore to base them on. But sometimes the stories... didn't age well. Most of the episodes did, but for example the 1st season of TNG can be hard to watch for younger people.
I’m glad I reread your comment because I thought you were gatekeeping my post. Glad you’re enjoying the ST memes.
I'd like to shove some ketracel white down Okona's throat so he chokes on it.
Aww, I like Okona. I think he would have made a great Riker
The actor was fine.
The character was awful.
This is what happens when you let the Min/Maxxed Warlock be the Face. High Cha; Low Wis and Int.
Wesley creeping in the back there.