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Resources on homelab security?

I am still very much a novice in the self-hosting space, Linux etc. having fairly recently switched from using macOS as my daily driver and not tinkering much at all.

One of the things that often confuses me is networking and making sure my setup is secure. This is currently holding me back from hosting more stuff locally that I would require access to from outside my home, as I am afraid I am doing something that could severely compromise my data. It can sometimes be difficult to follow explanations from more advanced users due to the many different components of networking and security, and different layers of abstraction, which prevents me from following completely. I might understand one particular case, but then be unable to make connections to another one. So I would want to research this more intensively, and ideally I would end up being able to easily understand the data flows - the paths the data takes (e.g. I make a HTTPS request to some server from my laptop, how is that traffic routed correctly through my local area network and later the wide area network), in what forms (i.e. different protocols, encryption layers etc.).

In communities like this, I see there are a lot of very knowledgeable people who maybe could recommended any resources that cover this from the basics and onto more advanced stuff? Maybe a textbook from a university course on ICT that is considered particularly good? A YouTube channel with great explanations and visualizations? I am looking both at home LAN and internet in general. Enterprise level networks are not very interesting to me (at the moment).

  • Honestly start by thinking about what has access to what. From there you can focus on least privilege which will involve firewalls, vlans and isolation

  • Reading is fine and all, but in my experience of learning about networking and security, I have always learnt the best when I have a need for it.

    Let's take the example you posted on your post. Now, we know that HTTPS is important so that nobody has access to the traffic you're forwarding to the Internet. Encryption usually just requires two things: the data (your traffic) and a key to encrypt it.

    When you're visiting a website with a valid certificate, it sends its public key and the valid certificate to your browser. Your browser validates that the website you're trying to visit seems OK (not sure about the internals of the process), and encrypts your traffic with the public key of the website.

    The website can now decrypt your traffic with its private key. Nobody gets to snoop on your data (but they do get to snoop on your metadata, which I'll come to in a bit). That's how the process works, and I have essentially provided an overview of the TLS handshake in my explanation.

    Why did I say that your data isn't exactly secure even though you encrypt it? Well that's because your metadata isn't encrypted yet. It is only recently that the masses are picking up on ECH and ESNI (SNI - server name indicator; this is the DNS record of your request, which means your ISP knows which website you went to, but it doesn't know what you did on said website). With that said, I was talking about the broader Internet, which seems to be out of scope for this discussion.

    Let's talk about another use-case of TLS in your homelab, since we're on the subject.

    Problem: you want to find the padlock symbol on your browser every time you visit an internal website, but since you're using plain HTTP on your network, your browsers considers it fit to annoy you with a warning that your destination might be a malicious website (it's not, unless you don't know what you're hosting).

    Immediate solution: use a reverse-proxy! Most reverse-proxies have integrations with certificate automation software (certbot FTW) which handles TLS on the client side and deals with the warnings (if you have understood the paragraphs that I have written till now, you will understand why this is the case).

    Background: Have you heard of reverse-proxies? If not, a bit of reading on Wikipedia should do the trick, but basically, reverse proxies map a subdomain (slight understanding of DNS is required for this since certificates and DNS are tied closely) to a specific IP and port. This is important if you're hosting containers on a single machine since the only way to reach out a specific container is through the combination of IP:Port, but who wants to remember random numbers? Too lazy to do that.

    Question: why not just use my DNS server to map subdomains and IPs? This might not be obvious to everyone if you don't know about DNS and its limitations (in this scenario).

    Let me know if you're facing issues with anything that I typed here. It's a long, long journey (I've been learning for years now and I still don't get things right), but you'll get there. Just take your time, make sure to not get overwhelmed, and you'll make it.


  • nothing wrong with being self taught, you could follow these basics topics before poking holes in firewall.

    1. VLANS: learn how to separate your LAN into networks with different security requirements. For wireless, try to make a "main" and "IoT" network so that IoT network that can't talk to your "main" network but "main" can reach IoT devices. For wired, try to have a Management network, and a "Dirty network" etc.
    2. Firewalls and Routing: You will need to be able to route between your VLANS and set firewall rules to allow certain traffic. Best practice is block everything and allow only what you need.
    3. NMAP: learn how to do NMAP scans of your network to discover hosts and their open ports/services. This is a similar approach that "hackers" and script kiddies use on the public internet to find vulnerae and open services. Being able to probe your own network is crutial in understanding how others might approach in penetrating it.
    4. Wireguard VPN: Learn to access your network remotely by setting up a wireguard VPN. Wireguard is preferred because it is "stealthy" and will not respond to unsolicited attempted to probe your network. Start small by using wireguard to access between VLANs so you don't run the risk of using the internet.
    5. NGINX and Reverse Proxy: If necessary, learn to expose your services or blog or website by only exposing nginx and proxying to your services. Many guides on securing NGINX exist. Try not to expose anything, but sometimes necessary if you want others to reach your website/blog/hosting etc.

    That's a rough outline that you can use to guide yourself and achieve milestones with hands on experience. In your pursuit you'll run into certificates and domain name hosting and stuff. But all this is on the web so let your curiosity (and paranoia) drive! Have fun!!

  • I use wildcard tls certs and wildcard dns records for my domains. this ensures that no service can be easily accessed unless you have full domain name. For example If you have plex and deluge then you have to set dns records to and This can be seen by anyone else trying to find vulnerabilities. But if you have wildcard certs/dns, all anyone can see from outside is *, only the reverse proxy (eg nginx) knows the domain.

    Don't forward any ports unless you have to. Don't run any service on unless you have to. Incoming ports on the internet can be super dangerous.

    A safe way to do self hosting is with WireGuard, just setup a wireguard container on the server then you can access all the services anywhere when connected from a client without exposing any tcp ports.

    For connections why not try traceroute? mtr traceroute

    To see things within a packet you can use WireShark.

  • For homelab, start with the absolute basics - setup a firewall, and make sure you understand how it works! Map out your network topology, even if it is just your DSL box, router & your PC + printer with a raspberry pi (or 2) for your project.

    After you've made absolutely sure that the outside world can only get in where you've let it, then you can focus on having good application-level security; unfortunately this is really case-by-case.

    As for resources, I would start with YouTube - you tend to get to focus your learning a bit better and spend less time searching for something relevant (as you mentioned, enterprise tends to be the focus, because they're often the main targets of network related attacks). For more depth, but not crazy detail, try the O'Reilly books or similar on networks & related security topics (there are a few!)

    • For homelab, start with the absolute basics - setup a firewall, and make sure you understand how it works! Map out your network topology, even if it is just your DSL box, router & your PC + printer with a raspberry pi (or 2) for your project.

      Hehe, yeah, but even here I run into a large forest of terms and concepts. For example (the questions are only examples of things I stumble upon in this process, not questions addressed at you): "Setup a firewall" - on my server or on the router? Or both? And since my router is provided by my ISP which has its settings exposed through their online portal (which I hate the thought of), how does that factor in? What use is a router firewall if someone gains access to this portal and can configure at will? Can I set up the router in bridge mode and incorporate my own router, and thus have complete local control of my network? Couldn't someone simply deactivate this in the online portal if they gained access there? And if I open ports in the firewall for a specific application, what risks am I running outside of exploits in the applications themselves? For example, I have opened a port in the router settings for torrenting Linux ISOs (for a specific local IP) - could traffic through the same port be used to compromise the network in other ways? etc. etc.

      Suddenly I have fifteen questions. So when trying to research the answer to these questions, I often get slapped with five concepts I either barely have grasp of or don't know at all in one sentence that tries to explain what is going on. It's not that it is impossible to learn this way, but it tends to quickly become overwhelming, and I run into explanations of concepts I don't have enough prerequisites to learn properly yet. Which is why I am trying to get a coherent introduction to all the topics in a sensible, curated way to beef up my understanding of it, so that the research process becomes easier.

      For more depth, but not crazy detail, try the O’Reilly books or similar on networks & related security topics (there are a few!)

      Cheers, I will have a look to see what I find :) Sounds very much what I am looking for.

      One more thing - install Wireshark and get a real-time view of what your network is doing. Massively helpful tool.

      I have been meaning to install it to learn more about the structure of the packages that are sent and received. Thanks for the reminder.

      • "Setup a firewall" - on my server or on the router? Or both?

        Both. Access from the internet to your devices is protected from your Router. You should only ever open ports to things you want to access outside of your house. For example, a website on TCP 443 is a good thing to allow. Database access on TCP 3306 is NOT something you want to access from the internet.

        Internal to your network, you can open up the Database port on TCP 3306 if another computer in your network needs access to it. Don't leave it open for no reason.

        And since my router is provided by my ISP which has its settings exposed through their online portal (which I hate the thought of), how does that factor in?

        Is it a private IP Address you use to access (IE or is it some other thing?) If it's a private IP address, that's standard and is no problem. I've never heard of logging into something like a public website to open ports on your router.

        What use is a router firewall if someone gains access to this portal and can configure at will?

        If someone has access to your Internet Providers firwall/router combo device thingy, then it's game over. they can open any ports, do anything they want to it. However, this is unlikely. Make sure to keep your Router up to date and only open ports that you know what they're for 100% and what they do. NEVER allow access to the admin panel from the internet (WAN port). Though, if you need to use their public website (which I doubt) then it's moot and you cant do anything.

        Can I set up the router in bridge mode and incorporate my own router, and thus have complete local control of my network?

        Yes, if they support it. This is what I do and that's exactly what's it's for.

        Couldn't someone simply deactivate this in the online portal if they gained access there?

        Sure but this would give them access to your Providers firewall, which you have your own firewall plugged into so it doesn't matter. You will still be protected by your self provided firewall, some things will stop working (you'll be double NATed so public services might not work) and it'll be a clue someone changed something on your Providers firewall.

        And if I open ports in the firewall for a specific application, what risks am I running outside of exploits in the applications themselves? For example, I have opened a port in the router settings for torrenting Linux ISOs (for a specific local IP) - could traffic through the same port be used to compromise the network in other ways? etc. etc.

        Yeah, so if you open no ports. you block everything.... The only exposure (of people trying to connect to you) is the firewall/router you have sitting there watching what goes on. Keeping this up to date is VERY important and they have pretty good history of not being hacked so I'd say you're safe. For each port you open you add a service that people from anywhere in the world can talk to. So, if you open port TCP 443 and have Nginx or a website answering requests, you now need to make sure this is as secure as possible. ANYONE ANYWHERE can talk to it. If a exploit is found in Nginx/your website then it can be used to get access into that computer, From there, they are on your computer and can see anything that computer has access to. If you have 2 ports open. IE website + Torrenting, Now you have two things you MUST keep up to date because anyone can talk to them and exploit them to get into your computer. This is why you MUST know what is open to the internet and what it's doing. The more things you have the more options you give hackers to get in.

        Suddenly I have fifteen questions. So when trying to research the answer to these questions, I often get slapped with five concepts I either barely have grasp of or don't know at all in one sentence that tries to explain what is going on. It's not that it is impossible to learn this way, but it tends to quickly become overwhelming, and I run into explanations of concepts I don't have enough prerequisites to learn properly yet. Which is why I am trying to get a coherent introduction to all the topics in a sensible, curated way to beef up my understanding of it, so that the research process becomes easier.

        I would do what they said. Start small and at the first point of contact. Understand what is plugged into the internet (ISP Router) and all the settings on it. Understand what NAT means, understand how to open ports, etc. Then start small, Set up a computer and make sure you know what ports are open. If you want a website set it up so it works internally, test it, maybe port scan your server (with nmap or something) to see what's open and understand what they're for. Close the ports you don't need open then you can consider opening it from the internet.

        the most important thing is keeping it up to date and only open what you need access to.

        A side point is, if it's just you that needs access to it, consider a VPN (wireguard) or overlay network (tailscale) so you only need to open one port and that will give you access to everything you need in your network.

    • One more thing - install Wireshark and get a real-time view of what your network is doing. Massively helpful tool.