I feel this
I feel this
I feel this
This is what Wilby is for.
What is thi... I... wha.... how...
I will be here all night. Nostalgia is calling.
I know, right? I ran across that on Hacker News one day and it's changed my world. When I'm bored, I just hit that "Surprise Me" link and usually get some great shit.
Wilby introduced me to nonograms.org which has also changed my life.
Ah, Zombocom. Good times were had at Zombocom. Great times, in fact. I met my wife on Zombocom. I even found my job through Zombocom. Hell, Zombocom found me my house.
Come to think of it, there isn't a thing I have I don't owe to Zombocom. Zombocom taught me a lot, too. I learned how to sew thanks to Zombocom. How to white water raft. How to program assembly. How to build a tent, light a fire. Zombocom taught me how to cook a meal, taught me Spanish, how to walk, taught me the waltz, and how to talk. Hey now... Zombocom taught me blacksmithing, and how to brush my teeth and make my bed.
Zombocom is my God, and is Our God.
You’re welcome
Seems like I actually am!
George Takei has lost it.
You've made my morning. Seriously.
Holy crap this is great. I just landed on Brian's drive-in theater.
i got informed about a major public heath crisis.
This is fuckin dope. Just found this awesome diy audio site.
This is amazing, I’ve found some real nostalgia among the type of sites here. Thank you!
I got fan fiction I think?
I love this!
That site lead me to a Pennsylvania coal region website with some old recipes and I love it. You can tell how old the recipes are when some (the bread recipes) say you should store your dough by a warm, dry place like a coal stove or how they require a large amount of ingredients but make multiple loaves of bread.
Have you seen Marginalia Search? I'd be willing to bet yes given you're aware of Wiby, but you never know!
here's my blog hehe :3 https://nikki.cat
You know you got the good shit when your browser gives you a http warning.
I can’t tell if this has “nerd who’s been around since Netscape Navigator and IRC” or “vaccines cause autism I did my own research” energy
I'm getting Horizontal Rule of flames vibes
I'm just gonna go ahead and plug my blog here: https://nebula42.neocities.org/
Here's a website made by a family member of mine detailing his uncle's flight log from ww2.
It's prime geocities content.
This is the shit.
Can we please not go back to custom cursors though?
Can we please go back to custom cursors?
Blink tags and background sound files here we come!
Pluralistic.net. Enjoy yourself. No bullshit whatsoever, just good reading. Might be the last bastion of goodness on the web.
that's...why I'm here
The kind of content I'm here for.
Thanks for reminding me that I still need to work on both my neocities page and still need to quickly finish my IS assignment...
One of these days I'll finally add an "Under Construction" gif to my neocities on the pages that aren't yet fully operational.
Here's my basic ass homepage https://portal.mozz.us/gemini/tilde.team/~smokey/
It's a thing of beauty!
Now that's a good looking basic ass-homepage!