If only I had time to re-watch everything again
If only I had time to re-watch everything again
If only I had time to re-watch everything again
The more middle aged I get, I can just rewatch series over and over. They’re new every time.
Cuts down on streaming bills.
The silver lining to having sht memory.
Loki also
In all honesty Loki s2 just makes no sense whatsoever. I'm ok with the show for the fun, but there's no trying to understand it
If I stop playing a video game for even a couple weeks I forget everything in terms of the mechanics, crafting, and inventory etc and lose interest.
My least favorite is when you go back to watch season 1, enjoy it, then watch the new season and you can't even finish it due to how different it is
Firefly is coming back?!?
Babylon 5 had the right idea. Do an animated version; you can keep all the original actors and have much wilder special effects
That doesn't work, because I rewatch it so often I remember everything.
This is presently happening with me for invincible. Season two just started and I have no idea what happened to get us where we are.
But Dr. Who is returning, so I'm rewatching the entire series. Just got to Matt Smith....
They're bringing back Sliders!?
OMG that would be amazing
The first one or two seasons were awesome.
That’s usually good.
If it’s been literally years, you know the new writers and director are probably going to screw everything up relative to the original, and there will also probably be a change in cast.
I’d much prefer to forget the original than have a good memory of it and be disappointed with the changes.
Yup, many shows just milk themselves to death.
Attack on Titan. I lost interest at some point in the few year gap.
I'd say you just saw the best of it
This is what came to my mind as well. I feel like its been the final season for a decade.
It's so silly. I couldn't have created a more fucked up way to release the final season if I tried.
This guy does recaps and is actually good. Like, so good that he's worth watching on his own
Thank you for sharing! My partner has this problem and these recaps could be perfect
Which guy?
Fixed it
i wonder how he gets all this information. does he have his own recap guy?
Doesn't happen if you only watch obscure >decade old single season animes
Never mind the fact that I'll never find another person who watched and liked From the New World, or Canaan, or Flip Flappers
Except this literally happened to old single season anime FLCL which started getting new seasons fifteen years later.
Canaan was the shit! Try finding fans of Bubblegum Crisis, Noir, Eatman, or Bakumatsu Kikensetsu Irohanihoheto; 90s anime kids don't get together and have rewatch parties lol
I wasn't kidding about the one year thing, I'm back! All of these shows were great. You weren't kidding about Bubblegum Crisis, I can't believe I put off watching it for so long, it was rad as hell. Noir was my favorite of these suggestions, literally the only thing that keeps it from being a 10/10 is the distracting lack of any blood. Bakumatsu was super interesting—it's cool seeing a show where half of the characters have Wikipedia pages. There's a certain kind of person who both has a deep interest in the Boshin War and likes historical fantasy, for whom Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto is the best show ever made. I can't bring myself to say that Eat-Man was good, but the concept is interesting, and I absolutely adore Bolt Crank as a character. '98 definitely improved on '97, but I'm fond of both series
I haven't watched everything in your other comment yet, but I did watch Megalo Box, and it's one of my favorite shows now—makes it to almost every list of recommendations because of the differences between the first and second seasons. It's crazy how quickly it goes from shounen to seinen.
From the new world is phenomenal.
Flip Flappers was a trip. Loved that show.
Personally I see it as a selling feature knowing that an anime is only going to be one or two cour. I don't like to watch series that never end so it's nice knowing that the story has a conclusion.
Who said that these anime ends after one season? Many times, they have a cliff hanger ending because the producers were hoping to get a second season or they are a faithful adaptation of the first part of a manga that is only half finished.
Changing the animation style so dramatically between seasons destroyed any continuity.
I mean the original is like 6 episodes, right? Thanks for putting that song into my brain btw. "With the kids sing of the future. Maybe kids don't need the masters."
I want to watch season 2 of Dark but I don't have it in me to rewatch and get my brain organized for season 1.
I believe Netflix actually has a website with the timelines for each character so you don’t get confused. IIIRC you can tell it what episode you’re on so you won’t get any spoilers.
Lmao, that is a fun mind bender.
Go Team Venture!
The cancellation of that show broke my heart.
I should watch Garth Merenghis Dark Place again..
Don't get my fucking hopes up! If only they would bring this back.
At least Matthew Holness had cameos in Toast of London and Toast of Tinseltown.
As I rounded the corner I felt muscular and compact, like corned beef.
This happened to my wife and I with season 4 or Ozark. Fortunately I found a well made video on YouTube that summarized Seasons 1-3. I was amazed at how much stuff we had forgotten.
I like them as great excuses for a rewatch.
Futurama season 8 teaches us about the dangers of binging
Worst part is having to watch everything all over again and then starting to remember what happens which spoils it
That‘s not bad. You could also get excited about a show getting 2 new seasons and then you realize they fucking suck.
Anyone else remember Dexter's Lab getting a new season that was basically just a prototype for the even worse Johnny Test?
I recently watched GenV, so many Boys references and world things that I've restarted The Boys.
Lately I've just been rewatching the final episode of the previous season before starting a new one. I'm a little lost in that episode but by the end I'm following along, and it's usually an exciting finale episode that gets me excited to watch the next episode.
Still waiting for Mindhunter... Guess I'll wait forever
Literally, cause it was canceled.
Still trying to catch back up on Adventure Time
Invincible season 2 in a nutshell lmao.
Omnomnomniman where?
That's just Pacman
Attack on Titan and Sweet Home.
And that's why I regularly rewatch Donkey Kong Country
Mother fucker, Teletoon going to drop season 3 any day now
Tiger and bunny
Lol, Uploead season 3!
don't worry I forgot the first season a mere 3 hours after watching it.
That's the fun of it, you rewatch season 1 and used that knowledge to criticise how bad season 2 become.
Bonus point is you rewatch the original series and use that knowledge to criticise how bad the sequel is. Hello Legend of Korra.
Korra had so much promise, but you should absolutely be blaming Nickelodeon for constant interference. Nickelodeon alone ruined the potential of that show.
They have so many writer for such a short story.
And how fucked Korra made the LITERAL EMBODIMENTS OF NATURE!
She just did.
How did toddler Korra learn 3 element without being taught? She just did.
How did everyone suddenly able to use air bending so effectively without being taught, where Katara and Toph barely even know how to control their element when they first discover they are a bender? They just did.
The show moved the plot with "just happened to be" with nonsensical exposition. It's a mess.
Korra isn't nearly as bad as some fans make it out to be. The show certainly has some big issues, but it's overall a great show.
It was originally just supposed to to be one season but they got surprised by Nick ordering three more. It's still a great series but they definitely stumbled figuring out where the story was going.
Well, if you have enough time to watch season 2 than you have enough time to watch season 1.
At least you know that you loved season one, if you truly forgot everything about it than you get to enjoy it again. Season 2 could suck, you never know.
I love it when I forget TV shows and movies. I can't rewatch them if I know what's going to happen.
Impossible to forget firefly. When i rewatch the first season annually. And select episodes more.
YouTube recaps
I wish that was true