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Activision has misplaced its Transformer games, says Hasbro

This is where the argument that piracy is also preserving games stands up. Although, it begs the question why games developers do not properly archive their software.

  • As much as there's an Activision fuckup here, there's also a Hasbro fuckup. When you do a deal like this with a publisher, part of that agreement should include provisions for the source code - either directly sending it or if Activision didn't want to share its proprietary code, indirectly via an Escrow service.

  • I would laugh. I'd be surprised there isn't a backup of old source control somewhere and the same backup if done well would have the assets too. But, I will preface this with. Non gaming software that no-one would ever want to use again. Maybe a museum would want it.

    But I suspect the only surviving version (if it's even on the drive) survives in the attic of my old house (family still live there, I didn't just abandon it in a sold house). A very very old version of non gaming software on a hard drive of an old 90s unix system.

    So, you know it's not that surprising. Depending on how old the games are.