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Traditional Scottish Tablet Traditional Homemade Scottish Tablet Recipe - Scottish Scran

This traditional Scottish tablet recipe is made easy with a few helpful hints! It's easy to make Scottish tablet at home if you follow these steps.

Traditional Homemade Scottish Tablet Recipe - Scottish Scran

I've made this twice and it's the easiest, most reliable tablet recipe I've used. It was great as is, but the second time I added vanilla paste and 2 tbsp sifted cocoa after it came off the heat. Yum!

  • Is it hard? It looks like scones. I see it compares it to some dulce de leche recipes, it looks similar to mantecol here, which we do it with peanut butter.

    • It's similar (ish) to fudge, but it has a pleasantly sandy texture that melts on the tongue. It crumbles a little as you bite it. Now I need to look up mantecol, thanks for the tip!

      • I just realised you might be asking if it's difficult, not if it's hard in texture, whoops. It's not hard at all with this recipe, but you need to keep an eye on it and stir often while it boils.