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Standing up for your values might be decided to be a pathology - If you're autistic

This article picks apart a bunch of biases by the researchers of a given paper. The object of study was the differences in behavior between a group of autistic people and a group of non-autistic people when choosing between prioritizing value for oneself or value for the community.

I recommend reading the paper itself too. If that is, understandably, too much for you, I suggest you go for the introduction, the conclusion, and the segments mentioned in the article.

  • I already heard about this, and fuck them. A whole lot. "Having moral convictions even when others aren't looking makes autistic people inferior! They should be sociopathic, just like the rest of us!" Sociopathy is what will destroy us as a species. As we're currently discovering, thanks to climate change.

    • Could not have said it better. Thank you.

      There are more or less serious counterinterpretations like „how to spot you‘re neurotypical“ which turns the thing on its head. Equally hilarious and dystopian.

      Have a good one.

  • Reading articles like these really makes me believe I am autistic. Fortunately I have a doctor appointment soon to see about a proper diagnosis.

    I was terminated a year ago from my last job for speaking out against the abusive behaviour of management as well as all the hate and bigotry from the tradespeople working on the workshop floor. That didn't go over well so I went to corporate and was assisting them with an investigation into the abuse at my company. Unfortunately that investigation had to be halted as my company fired me conveniently after I made a call to the employee hotline about all the abusive behaviour. I was advised to call the hotline by corporate so they weren't too happy with my company. So unhappy that they refused to represent them at the labour board regarding my wrongful termination case.

    I think what was interesting about the whole experience was that many of my coworkers could not comprehend that I did all this to help my fellow coworkers. I wanted change so we could all be treated with dignity. Even now with the lawyer involved, they think I'm in it for the payout. I do not care about the money. I want change. I want accountability. Fortunately I have a couple people in my life that understand that and are encouraging me to follow what I think is right. Everyone else thinks I'm an idiot and there are no words to describe how confusing that truly is.

  • This hits very close to home. I've lost friends that were very dear to me because I tried to stand up for something important to me.

  • Neurotypicals are kinda disappointing.

    • I‘m not totally sure but you could read into that why autistic people are shunned and looked down upon.

      If we ever get our shit together and form one voice, we might actually save the world. From capitalism, climate change and other dystopian things.

      Imagine, as a neurotypical person in power, you see that a certain group is actually born to do the right thing, uncorruptable. Would you not be scared?

  • Oh this is 100% me. Most people refer to me as stubborn, I like to use the word principled. When I care about something, I don't waver on my support and couldn't care less if people find it offensive or uncomfortable.