8 gigs. Thanks for the reminder! Is this app still developed? I know that the developer got children and strives to continue, but sometimes life goes a different way. :)
When Liftoff loads a picture or video the file has to be stored somewhere on the device for it to be displayed. All that is stored in the Liftoff cache. You should not loose data by clearing your cache as the cache is suppose to be a temporary storage location.
If you have downloaded things from lemmy via liftoff those files will be unaffected as they are stored elsewhere.
I know this is the community specifically for the Liftoff app, but thought I'd mention Eternity which I find to be quite a similar experience and has better cache handling - it has a configurable limit and sticks to it. So, if this functionality is important to you, it might be worth trying out an alternative until Liftoff has a solution.
Oh calm down. Its still in development. If one minor issue like manual cache clearing is such a big deal, open an issue on the github page or just fork it and fix it yourself. It's a FOSS app still in active development, the unfortunate cost of living on the cutting edge is that sometimes you get shoved face first through a tomato.
Why? If someone knows the issue, they can choose they want to use the app anyway, or delete it. If the app is pulled, they don’t really have that option.
Yes, but there’s no way of manually clearing the cache. On iOS the app (if it’s in the App Store) must either manage the cache automatically or allow the user to set a cache size limit.
If it gets out of hand (see Settings/General/iPhone Storage) You’d need to uninstall the app, restart your phone and re-install.