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Niger puts an end to uranium and gold export to France

    • yup

    • Still, that doesn't it was a stream of income for the masses, this seems rushed & reckless.

      What do you have to replace that source, did others country pledge to replace them? This couldn't wait for BRICKS!

      • I understand where you're coming from, but it's not Niger's problem where France will get their uranium. France is still a rich country, they'll find their uranium somewhere else. Most natural resources in Niger are owned by France as per the post-colonial treaties, it's normal that Niger gets their natural resources back.

  • This might end up in either the most depressing (Gaddafi and Sankara) or the most hyped up way possible (Africa up up)

      • Don't think it's such a great idea. Here's why:

        • Wagner are a PMC. While affiliated with the Russian government (aka being funded by), the recent mutiny showed they're more than willing to push the employer. Being the one vector of government "interests" in the region (as opposed to official intelligence services) will embolden them further
        • Russia is capitalist and thus will inevitably require imperialist action to support the bourgeoisie. Having experienced armed forces in the region allows such action
        • AFAIK Rosatom (state corporation in charge of Russian nuclear power development) was heavily invested in Niger and was assisting the French - because while the latter can extract uranium, turning it into nuclear fuel is a separate procedure. And currently only Rosatom and Westinghouse possess the know-how (and I am not 100% sure about Westinghouse)
  • How long until a EU department publishes basically the same thing about uranium as the USA did the other day about gallium over "national security threats"? I doubt that France could coordinate an intervention in there given how tied their hands already are with Ukraine and the recent withdrawal from Mali. Somebody tell F!Guyana that there are still Frenchmen amongst then too.