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  • Social media completely changed the way opinions disseminate. It would take a miracle to see any President above 50% again. Trump social media machine was very, very effective, a lot better than Biden's, and he was only 0.7% above.

    "widespread dissatisfaction with power has nothing to do with any actual decline in the political system's ability to respond to the public's needs and everything to do with mass media technologies. nothing can fundamentally change, all we can do is better manage perceptions."

  • 4.9% annualized GDP growth as other developed nations stagnate, inflation under control to the most reasonable possible level given the stimulus and 2 wars

    Line go up. The more up the line go, the gooder the president.

  • His current drop in approval is mostly from infighting among leftists over Israel.

    • Unusually, I've not seen much leftist infighting over Israel. You're pretty much either against settler-colonial genocide or you're not a leftist.

      • I assume it's Schrödinger's leftists. We are an insignificant number of delusional people who have no power yet we also have mighty and unexplained abilities. We can somehow poison polling to make Biden look much worse than he actually is. Is there a Leftist Mind Control Ray that we operate from space or something?

        I think the redditor uses the word "leftists" as a catchall excuse for all problems. "Leftists" can be like an n-word for neoliberals.

      • Only place this isn’t true is Israel and Germany, where both of their “lefts” are rabid Zionists

  • Not me casually stealing your comments and replying with them on the posts you're quoting while disabling replies on reddit so they can scream at a brick wall about jerking off to line graphs or whatever it is they do there <3

  • I remember someone from that sub telling a Jamaican that the US fucking over their country was bad but the US as a whole was still a net positive to their country. One of those moments where I wished I could reach my fist through the screen and squeeze his pencil neck like a tube of toothpaste.