Anyone with a truck carrying giant flags. If you are in the US, you know what I mean.
Yeah, these are often the people that grumble about women having rights while they crush beer cans in their heads. The supreme assholes are the ones driving $50k+ vehicles with a little black and white flag with a blue stripe. These are the creepy ass country club motherfuckers that own businesses and have racist agendas that actually affect people due to their high status in society.
Yeah, I'm generalizing a lot here (aren't we all?) but by and large those are dog whistle symbols for hatred.
I'm conflicted by this because the other day, I saw one of these with LGBTQ+ flags and not the typical American, Mexican, Rattlesnake or Trump 2024 flags.
Still, it was on a giant truck clearly not for working on a farm or hauling anything but ass and those giant flags are obnoxious no matter what they are signalling.
Doesn't help the 1.5C that's for sure.
Lifted trucks. My assurance goes up 10x if they have rims and tires meant for the road.
My friend and I bought trucks around the same time. Mine is a simple tradesman Ram, no bells and whistles, primarily for moving and hauling stuff that can't fit in my wife's sedan.
I'm a pretty passive driver. Live and let live, y'know?
My friend had a similar personality when he first got his Tundra (of course with all the extras he can afford). Then he goes and spends $10,000 on a lift, winch, and floodlights. Now he's like a different person. He drives super aggressively, whipping round corners, weaving through traffic going 20mph over on the highway. He was driving me through some quiet neighborhood the other day and nearly mowed over a cyclist. I asked him what the hell he was doing and he shrugged and said "if she's gonna ride a bike in the street, she's gotta look out for trucks. Not my fault if she doesn't see me"
TL;DR - truck drivers are fine, a truck is a tool like any other vehicle. Lifting your truck turns you into a redneck scumbag overnight though apparently.
Lifted Dodge Ram. They are more likely to be drunk too.
Welcome to my new segment, You Might Want to Know?
Dodge and Ram are two different brands and product lines. Rams are the trucks, and Dodge makes muscle vehicles.
But as to your point, you're more right than you possibly know!
I always assume they will tailgate me, and so far, I’ve never been wrong.
100x if it's squat... Squated?
Or white paint
I think it’s lowered. Lifted and lowered
It’s so dumb like Fucking whhhyyyy
1000x if it has truck nuts
truck nutz. like. not new (which might be a gag. I did zip tie some onto a friends car once. But, uh, it was a prius, and they were dragging on the gorund.)
Extra points if the have wheel spacers
Only exception is the older Rangers S10s etc that weren’t insanely large. Anything Dodge in my experience is guaranteed.
I also assume they are absolutely God awful drivers.
Lifted truck rolling coal is 100% an asshole.
(EU) SUVs. Are you insecure and too stupid to drive? GET A CAR 20% larger in every dimension so you can piss off the whole world with your incompetence.
I live in a Dutch city and there's like 3 people here with dumbass cars like dode rams and everytime I see them the only thing I can think is damn you are an asshole. Those cars are ridiculous
They might just be Americans. Oh wait..
These huge vehicles (I can't call them cars anymore) also really don't even fit our roads. Do these people only intend to use their cars on the freeway?
Totally true, I always thought that would be the case but there really are studies that confirm this.
Where I live an SUV is a must or everybody will bully you in the road. Public transportation drivers are just bad people here.
Or do you have a genuine reason that makes them advantageous?
I have an SUV because:
Truth is that mine (BMW X1) is at most 5cm bigger in any dimension, if at all, than the car on which it is based (Mini Cooper). The extra size is an optical illusion.
That's similar to why I hav an SUV. My dad has mobility issues and has a scooter to help him get around. The SUV is higher off the ground making it easier to get in and out while the larger cargo space can hold the scooter and anything else (groceries, luggage, etc).
Anything that makes VRROOOOOOM VROOOOOM noises when it doesn't need to is almost certainly driven by an asshole.
Ehh, or someone that can't afford to fix their exhaust (been there)
Idiots on motorcycles who rev in neighborhoods and parking lots are some of the biggest assholes.
Yes the giant ‘mufflers’ were bad enough, lately I’m seeing & hearing poorly tuned expensive sports cars. Mass incompetence or intentional noise maker? These thing are backfiring like crazy.
NL here: Imported American trucks. You do not need a car that costs €5000/month in fuel alone that you cannot use practically in any way that a van, a regular car or even a bakfiets could do more cost-effectively. The only people who go through the effort to get such a vehicle are compensating for something, and a Dodge Ram in The Netherlands is only useful for dick measuring, and the most significant thing it'll ever move is the owner's fragile ego.
We look at those people the same in the US too tbf lol
Yeah, they don't even fit in a regular parking space, it is ridiculous to drive one in the Netherlands
They don't fit in parking spaces here either! I'm constantly saying that they should park in the back of the parking lot
Anything with truck nuts attached
Hold up. Truck nuts on a Prius or PT Cruiser is fucking hilarious
I once saw them on a stroller.
And yes, truck nuts are objectively funny. Ironically on trucks when the driver is obviously compensating for something. And regular funny on everything else.
One of my friends has truck nuts on his 70's moped, and it gets a laugh out of people wherever he goes.
This is acceptable.
Generally people who do that are of a particular political affiliation. They would feel emasculated when told they have made their truck Transgender as the truck was not made with balls.
As doing this shows just how small of a micro penis they have.
Ram Trucks. according to research, these vehicles are the most likely to be driven, and wrecked, by a drunk driver. People who instinctively idolize an animal that solves it's problems by smashing them with it's face... probably not the best people to drive near.
Living in Australia where US trucks really don't go on our roads well, I can attest to Ram drivers being the most dreadful drivers here. As we've come to call it, Emotional Support Vehicles.
Among Truck drivers, Rams are usually the objectively worst vehicle for doing trucking activities on a per yearly model basis. So it kinda makes sense the dumbest people with trucks aren't the ones who know anything about truck capabilities either.
Sadly I really like how the classics look and therefore want one.
But I don't drink, at all. And I definitely don't idolize rams. That's a pretty funny generalization to make though.
I'm surprised to see Lexus on that list.
In my experience Lexus is more deserving than Tesla. Most Lexus drivers I come across on the road follow the laws pretty well and use a signal, but the people I've met in person who drove them were assholes. Opposite has been the case with Tesla drivers for me and the pic says assholes and doesn't specify their driving ability.
Seems to me that Jeep Cherokee drivers think they own the road
Ricer ay?
Oh no my loud Lexus.
Oversized trucks and new BMWs. Every fucking time...
Tesla model 3 to be exact.
The iPhone of the car world.
Anyone who has a big fucking pickup truck and isn't living in a rural area
and probably a white pickup at that
Most will never see a speck of dirt in their entire lifetime or haul anything more than groceries. Pavement princesses.
Vehicles with thin blue line flags (and/or stickers of the same)
I'd like to believe my Honda Ridgeline is the exception to this, but truck bros don't acknowledge it as a real truck anyway.
BMW. Eveytime. No blinker use either.
The BMW drivers have chilled out a little... It's the audi driver these days that are complete tools.
This. Audi is the new BMW.
They have blinkers ?!?
Only if you pay for the subscription fees.
If you ever think you are doing a worthless job ... think about the poor guy who installs the blinkers in a BMW factory.
That would be my first choice. Same experience.
Pretty sure they just removed turn signals on cars where I live. Super expensive car being driven by someone who has no clue, can't guage speeds, can't guage other traffic and can't figure out when to use turn signals.
Cops do not do traffic infraction stops here whatsoever, and I'm pretty convinced many of the drivers here don't even have a license. There is no way they could ha e passed the written test.
They don't pay the subscription fee.
Tesla's have become the new BMW drivers from my experience as of late.
Especially with how many of them are asleep at least I'm awake Ps I drive a bmw z3
Strangely... I don't think it's the fault of the driver (well, they still picked the car)... The lane assist FSD autobraking is all fucking awful.
Next time you see one get in front of it about 100 yards ahead and tap the brakes... Don't brake, just flash the tail lights... The Tesla will slow down every time.
They're terrible cars for terrible people I guess.
If it has a punisher sticker it's an asshole
BMWs, all the time
Agreed... They will never let you in, never set their indicators... Nightmarish, ignorant drivers...
BMWs and blinkers are mutually exclusive.
huge trucks/ pickups
Pavement princesses, brodozers with mall-wheel-drive, only used to transport Big Macs. Never done a days work in its life. And none of their drivers know (or care) how to park such a monstrosity in a standard parking space without taking up 2 or more spots. The embodiment of modern entitlement. They are the main character.
Edit: Also a police car. I missed that the first time around.
There are plenty of people who have trucks for work. But i live in texas. The shitheads are the ones you can tell are the ones with a clean truck. Never seen dirt or any tools/machinery.
And plenty of people say they have a truck for work and it's largely empty except tools in a bed box which could be done with smaller more economical vehicles. Honestly jobs where a truck would be needed should provide the truck so there's fewer in the road.
Big ass lifted trucks with the double back wheels my god. I feel so embarrassed for them
They're so hilarious. The dual rear wheels increase the weight capacity for hauling... Then they jack the truck up, reducing the weight capacity.
We have a truck with dual rear wheels and a flat bed. It lives in the yard and is only driven when we or a neighbor needs to move something big, as it should be.
Preach, I call them "birthing hip trucks" lol
For many people the answer should be "my vehicle".
Everyone thinks they are an above average driver.
Except Rainman, that guy thought he was excellent.
Oooh, this is totally me!
Lift-kitted pickup trucks. Every single time, there's either a thin blue line flag, or some other settler paramilitary organization's flag flying out the bed of the mf.
Don't forget the Punisher skull.
Any truck but Dodge Ram in particular.
Ram trucks are the official vehicle of domestic abuse.
I play games online with a guy from Norway and he was telling me somebody from his town had an imported Dodge Ram.
And I said let me guess - he revs the engine at stop lights, spins out of every single parking lot, and roars through town like a maniac. "How did you know?" They all drive that way! I guess even in Norway they do. I think maybe they get a manual with the vehicle.
Easily a Tesla. Any model.
I'll give someone with an early model the benefit of the doubt as they might not have realised the heights his assholeness would reach and may have been trying to do right by the environment, but newer models and I'm going to judge you.
You never see their windows down because they don't want to let their farts out.
God, this is tautogical at this point. In San Francisco, about 6 years ago, you suddenly saw Teslas beginning to do the asshole shit that BMWs were famous for.
By now, the infamous BMW drivers have been wholly replaced by Tesla drivers. I can’t remember the last time I saw a BMW do something assholish.
I mean the only people who could have realistically afforded a Tesla before the Model 3 was the same people who would have gotten Lexuses or BMWs and the only people who get them now are Muskets.
I mean yesterday I saw one use its turn signal and everything.
Agreed. Teslas are just giant Elon Musk flags now. One big L for environmentalism, I suppose? lol
Any recent Tesla model.
Omg there so ugly. Like driving a giant sperm.
That, and who the h3ll wants to give the idiot Elon any money after the way he's acting? And then the quality issues... steering wheels falling off, I mean, good grief.
Anything that looks like it just pulled off the battlefield. Like G Wagons and Hummers.
I've never seen a dirty G Wagon or Hummer, so I'm not sure what you're taking about.
I should have said looks like it was made for the battlefield.
Ford F250 or larger
I would say F150 or larger unless it is has a company logo on it.
Dodge Ram
Yeah...Pretty much. That and giant pickup trucks.
This may just be confirmation bias but it seems like the majority of cars that pull out in front of me forcing me to break when they could have just waited 2 seconds for me to pass seem to be pickup trucks. Bonus points with last weeks one to do that which was also 1) driven by an elderly couple 2) swerveing all over the road, 3) driving 5 miles below speed limit, 4) had unsecured items in the back.
They do make mini-trucks which are much better for fuel mileage while having the benefits of a work truck, but like you said these people aren't buying them with fuel mileage or practicality in mind.
Tell me you live in Florida without telling me you live in Florida. If you don't, you sure know their drivers.
this is a total tangent but historically the pedal that's not your gas or clutch is a "brake" and if drivers are causing you or your car to "break" then you should definitely get their insurance details and they should go back to driving school 🙃
The tesla autopilot feature drives like an asshole too. If I'm in the HOV lane with no one behind me and I see a Tesla coming up in the rear view, I know that's it going to come bombing up behind me at 90 MPH and not slow down until it's like ten feet away. As someone who has been rear ended on the freeway like that, it makes my butthole pucker every time.
Oversized SUV, like Range Rover
Definitely all range rovers. Collosal pricks, every single time.
90-and-counting downvoters just can't get enough of the taste of boot
I'm more amused by all the people who think this is a question that someone wanted them to answer and not one that's already been answered.
Because it hasn't been answered. It's a very subjective question, so there is no final answer.
I get that cops are seen as corrupt pigs in some countries, but in some others they're trusted and respected. I have seen American police and 99% of them are awful people. But in my country I have only ever had pleasant experiences with the police, and public opinion of them is mostly positive. (Was speeding, got pulled over, told to drive safely and that the cop could see I'm not drunk and was being aware, then wished good night and let go.)
My answer will be anyone driving a modified exhaust and/or riced up car. Typically a tailgating boy racer.
Aside cop cars (and we have like 4 different departments of cops, one worse than the other) the worse of all are cars/motorcycles that produce satanic 100+decibel sounds, literally they should be illegal.
How was no one said Dodge challenger / charger yet?
Same thing where I am (CHP)...
Honestly though, they exhibit the worst driving 'skills'/behaviour. Definitely not leading by example.
I'm surprised this isn't listed yet: Hummer
I think the hate for Hummers has died down simply because you just don't see them around very often anymore.
In Germany every asshole drives an BMW, but not every BMW driver is an asshole. It's a German brand so they much cheaper than in America because there are no import costs. Yes, they still are substantially more expensive than a VW but there are much more a car every other German drives than something special. If we only talk about the higher end models - sure.
In the UK, BMW drivers were notorious for being the most aggressive and least polite on the roads of the 80s and 90s. In recent years Audi have stolen that crown, thanks to slick marketing and product placement. This brand attracts superficial and insecure cretins like a magnet and the ecosystem is rife with fraudulent behaviour. The used car market is a minefield of manipulated odometers and stolen vehicles.
Still enjoying my A7 after your post 😚
I got upgraded from my usual generic Mercedes C-Class rental car to a BMW 5-Series on one of my trips to Germany. I instantly felt 10% more assholish as soon as I got into it. I even managed to get a speeding ticket within the first 10km or so - camera caught me going 8km/h over the limit in a construction zone, I think on the A67. The fine was only something like €20.
I usually make a conscious effort to not drive like an asshole, especially when I'm traveling, although for some countires driving like an asshole is mandatory.
Teslas 😼
Dodge Ram
Teslas, for sure. And Subaru drivers aren't necessarily assholes, but they seem to always be in my way.
Subaru drivers, especially the SUVs almost follow the rules of the road TOO well, and also take 6 seconds to accelerate at a light for some reason.
6 seconds is a bit too much, but waiting for a second to three is fine, incase some guy is running through the red light.
I've been tboned before in the exact scenario and everytime Im the first car, id rather wait a second to go after making sure the intersection is clear.
I do recall seeing a car that stopped at green lights and started going on red lights I think he was driving a suv
Jeeps and dodge pickups
Rubicons especially
Ford Mustang. Literally never been near one on the road that wasn't revving the engine, tailgating people, and driving like a maniac.
Any one using a light bar or super bright off road lights on the road. They obviously don't care about others. I know you want a car model but every time I see this I wish a cop would/ could take action.
Teslas, Pickup trucks, SUVs
This is probably two thirds of the vehicles I see in Austin... which probably has the worst drivers of any city I've lived in.
Seriously tho in the US you gotta always assume the cop is trigger happy because if you don't your ass is gonna get turned into lead flavored swiss cheese.
Pickup trucks, SUVs and motorcycles.
As well as cars with loud mufflers.
Any cars really, cars have the power to turn any decent human being into soulless sociopath.
And what's more there is no model associated with not being driven by an asshole. And no one can prove me wrong 😄
To quote George Carlin "ever notice how anyone driving slowly than you is an idiot? And ever notice how anyone driving faster than you is a MANIAC? It's a wonder how we can get anywhere at all with all these idiots and maniacs driving around. "
How can one gain your level of awareness?
Anything Lexus. Mostly luxury brand SUV (Lexus, Cadillac, BmW, those trying to be cool Denali shit). Sprinkle in some "modified" diesel trucks and we have a party.
Lexus is a quality brand - it's Toyota's luxury brand. If I can't find a good price on a used toyota in my neighborhood, I can usually find a lexus for a surprisingly good price. You're sleeping on this brand!
A big, black, clean truck.
What, i love Big Black Car in my rear... view mirror
Im old fashioned but i still think only dicks drive bmw's
I'm only up voting you for your user name.
This and big coal rolling, loud ass trucks.
Pick up trucks I get. I'm a tradesman.
But some trucks are absolutely massive, and more often than not MUCH more than the driver needs, and the coal rolling and loudness is just obnoxious af.
Cops still take it tho. Head on a swivel for those shills.
If it has giant tow mirrors and is lifted it's 1000% driven by an asshole who tailgates in the right lane
(in Germany)