Apple jacks prices to juice profits because $19.3B a quarter isn't enough
Apple jacks prices to juice profits because $19.3B a quarter isn't enough

Shareholders rejoice! Apple TV+, News+ raises prices over 40%

Apple jacks prices to juice profits because $19.3B a quarter isn't enough
Shareholders rejoice! Apple TV+, News+ raises prices over 40%
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“Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell”
The stock price will fall if we don't make more money then we did last year.
Because we are legally obliged to do what is best for shareholder, or they can sue us.
About sums it up
Accurate. The laws need to find a balance as I get shareholders who took a risk on business would like to see a return, but it is way too slanted to the point that the risk is on our entire society. We need people to be in those laws not just shareholders.
Maybe stock market was a mistake?
Our implementation certainly is.
See Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund for more..
I think it's a great idea in theory. Basically a form of decentralised loans. You need money to invest, you sell shares of your company to get some cash. In return the shareholders get a return if you succeed. And of course they can sell their shares if now your company is worth more. Seems alright with me tbh.
But nowadays it just seems like a fucking casino.
I don't know if you can have that ideology without it eventually turning into what it currently is.
I'm by no means an expert. So I asked the old CharlieGPT
This list seems pretty good to me though:
Transforming the stock market from its current state, which many perceive as being overly speculative, to a more stable and purposeful system would be challenging. However, here are some suggestions that could help mitigate its "casino-like" nature:
Remember, the stock market serves as a crucial mechanism for companies to raise capital and for investors to grow wealth over time. Any regulations or reforms should be considered carefully to ensure they do not stifle innovation or economic growth.
Those sound like a great ideas, although I have to question the immense burden it would put on any governing authority, still seems better than the current system though.
As a counterpoint, stock markets (or any structured form of capital investment) require infinite growth, not only is this unsustainable, but it will always prioritize the profit motive over ethical concerns.
In addition, in a market where capital controls expansion, it will always benefit those with capital and by extension power to loosen those regulations.
To summarize, regulation will win you the battle but never the war.
These are just AI ramblings. But for the sake of the argument I don't think the stock market requires infinite growth per se. Shareholders could just as well be happy with the dividend payout. Say you gave your apple farmer 20 units of wood to build a fence and storage, and in return he gives you an X amount of apples per fiscal quarter.
But this is hypothetical and in the capitalist system we enjoy you are right of course.
Though I will say that we could definitely regulate more. I would always be more inclined to put my faith in a regulatory body than the powers of the free market.
Needs more socialism. But we know how that goes..
It isn't a great idea even in theory. Even ideally, workers inalienable rights to appropriate the fruits of their labor and to democracy are still violated. These rights flow from the moral principle that legal and de facto responsibility should match. In a company, employees are jointly de facto responsible for using up the inputs to produce the outputs, but receive 0% of property rights and liabilities. The employer is held solely legally responsible resulting in a mismatch
Someone tell them they don't have to follow Steve Jobs in everything.
Also fire.
Tissue. A cancer tissue.
Cells are expendable in pursuit of infinite growth.
This is too perfect of an analogy...