Inflation has been bad, now it is thirty 9/11s.
Inflation has been bad, now it is thirty 9/11s.
Inflation has been bad, now it is thirty 9/11s.
"We became complacent and underestimated the military capabilities of the inmates of our concentration camp and it's the worst thing since the holocaust" is a hell of a thing to say.
They're losing the audience here. An average American will not believe that anything is worse than a single 9/11 with the honorable exceptions of Pearl Harbor and Alamo.
For Americans who still give a shit about 9/11 they don't like the idea of being one-uped in terms of the victim complex
To be fair to those people, 9/11 involved no military casualties while the Israelis are including soldiers deaths in their count.
No you don’t understand! Israel is 15, no 20 times more important per capita than you Americans - things Americans love to hear
The 20+ year brainrot to think that one of the only act of wars on US soil was was the worst act of war ever
Slaps roof of Israel
You can fit so many
in here!Okay, how many 9/11's have the Palestinians (or Gazans specifically) suffered in the last two weeks? Let's play this game Israel.
Did the math:
For Palestine (~5,200 deaths since Oct 7th), it's about 105 9/11s so far. On average that's about 6 9/11s daily.
For the Gaza Strip (~5,100 deaths), it's about 230 9/11s so far. Or 14 new 9/11s every day
Btw I calculated the Israeli 1,400 death toll in proportionate 9/11s and got the same "fifteen 9/11s" figure as Biden. No fucking clue how Netanyahu got 20, maybe he included abducted and missing people in deaths?
if we use the current population of Iraq, ~44 million, and we estimate that the invasion cased 1 million deaths, then that works out to around 23,000 proportionate 9/11s in Iraq
turning a big dial taht says "9/11" on it and constantly looking back at the audience for approval like a contestant on the price is right
listen you're really twisting my arm here, i can't go any higher than forty-five 9/11s
Its insanely absurd that this is thrown around so easily.
Shows how little world leaders actually give a fuck about 9/11 or terrorism, it’s just a frivolous and silly football for them to kick around and make jokes with
they're liberals, its their thing
Hiroshima was about 44 9/11s
Vietnam was 667.6 9/22s
Come on we can get the projections on what we are doing to Palestine even higher!
Israel will be a fucking laughing stock, half the world will boycott them and their citizens. The blowback for this shit will be far worst than what they ever thought the Palestinian resistance to their occupation ever was.
An Israeli passport will be persona non grata. I wish the UN would just expel them.
they always meant per-capita. 0.00001% of the population or whatever
if you have 100 people in some group and one of them dies that's like 100 9/11s to that group.
or something. i'm tired and high so maybe don't take those numbers literally.
Come on Hamas. Do better.
It's incredibly funny that 9/11 has become the international SI unit of mass casualties. I want to encourage using the standard prefixes with it also. This attack was 3 deca9/11s.
That's been funny, converting to weighted 9/11's is art.
We keep the original 9/11 under glass in an NYC vault. You can go and look at it if you want, but it's losing two or three people every decade so we're currently trying to figure out a way to express 9/11 in terms of the speed of light and the charge of an electron.
When you go over 900 billion 9/11s you unlock Terarizz
Imagine 800K Americans, 400K American children, dead in 10 days. That's what the bombing of Gaza is equivalent to.
*oops, had an extra zero
this is why we need 1 billion Americans
Let's make it 100!
uhh you're going to need a fuckload of people moving to israel to have 100! 9/11s there
hohohohoho factorial joke
the 9/11s just got ten feet taller!
No a gazzillion
2995 people died on 9/11 Somewhere around 1400 died on October 7th. So it’s barely half of one 9/11.
this would be 50 9/11's in 1990
Wow, have they been watching Team America recently or something?
It's like when I see people compare being called a Boomer the same as the N word.
Or comparing slavery and segregation to something else they want to justify. I'm like da fuq?...
Pretty sure George Carlin has a bit like this except it's McCarthy and his ever expanding list of communists.
I mean sure. For israel it was like 30 9/11s (from the perspective of Bin Laden)
We are going to run out of airplanes before the end of the year
How many 9/11 are caused by the lack of healthcare in the US every year?
The answer is 0. It is only a 9/11 if the media ensures you Never Forget
Janet Jackson's nipple was at least 2.5 x 9/11's