Is anyone using Gnucash? I've been on a kick of streamlining my finances and want to simplify from my current spreadsheet for tracking expenses. I have seen Gnucash mentioned around and am considering it. Is it easy to use and import transactions from credit cards?
I hate manually entering each purchase because I invariably typo an amount somewhere and spend hours at the end of the month trying to figure out why I don't balance.
I've downloaded it and tried playing with it but it seems clunky. I'm wondering if it gets easier once you get past the learning curve. Thoughts/experiences?
Is it easy to use and import transactions from credit cards?
I wouldn't say it's easy to get set up. If you don't mind exporting transactions from your bank, and importing into Gnucash, that part isn't too difficult. I like Gnucash a lot, although I've fallen behind with keeping up with it in recent years. I was never able to figure out the online banking side of things, but that's ok. I also never used it for budgeting.
Yes, atleast for me. then I left with a feeling of double checking the stuffs often which ended with opting in for Ledger/BeanCount as the final solution. Checkout the PlainTextAccounting sub...
Import of transations is via a CSV - I do it once a month and then shred the receipts that match. It's a bit clunky compared to quicken on windows (last I used it was 2018), but it can do the job, and of course it's double-entry and free.