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Police are not primarily crime fighters, according to the data

  • Over the past decade, “consistently less than half of all violent crime and less than twenty-five percent of all property crime were cleared...

    The response to a car break in is always, just call your insurance company. Imagine if they took it seriously and used forensic tools. Most car breakins are done by a small number of the same people.

  • I'll never forget this woman I worked with a long time ago. She was in a clerical type of position, but she had an absolute shit-stain of a miserable scumbag for a husband that was actively dealing drugs in the community. She broke down and vented to me one day about the whole thing and I told her she really needs to report it to the police, and that she needs to really do it for her kids to get rid of the exposure they had to the drugs in the home.

    She eventually willed up the courage to report it, and I helped her get info from the local sheriff's dept and PD. They had a deputy and detective who headed up this team.

    Long story short, she gave them everything. Dates, times, locations, and all the people to bust. She agreed to be a witness, and it was enough to take down a significant distribution ring. Nothing ever came of it. 5 years later her husband was arrested for a traffic infraction, and then he finally ended up in prison because he had ten pounds of cocaine, and 50 some pounds of meth in his vehicle. They never busted up the ring.

    I remember the feeling, that the whole thing was just a dog and pony show. I was in my 20's but I learned way back then that law enforcement is a silly joke. Cops don't do shit for the working class.

  • As anarchist Allen Thornton observes, “Police aren’t in the protection business; they’re in the revenge business.” Forget about Batman driving around interrupting crimes in progress. Police patrol does not prevent crime or catch criminals. When police patrol was discontinued secretly and selectively in Kansas City neighborhoods, the crime rate stayed the same. Other research likewise finds that detective work, crime labs, etc. have no effect on the crime rate. But when neighbors get together to watch over each other and warn off would-be criminals, criminals try another neighborhood which is protected only by the police. The criminals know that they are in little danger there.

    Anarchy 101 by Bob Black

    Here's an article about the Kansas City experiment on Wikipedia.

  • Police spend most of their day inserting themselves into the everyday lives of citizens who aren't doing anything wrong.

    I have a criminal record. Minor drug charges. I still get pulled over constantly, for zero reason, just so the cop can take a look and see if they approve of my hair clothes etc, and whether or not they wanna ruin my life...because they can, without provocation. Ever get slapped with a resisting arrest because the other charges weren't gonna stick in court? Happens all the time.

    Fuck cops.🖕

    • When i was a kid, I was weird and from a small town. I had no criminal record, gifted program at school, but I had a weird haircut and liked to walk to dunkin' donuts late at night because after midnight their donuts were on sale. This was enough to convince the local cops that I was one of the bad kids and, obviously, on drugs. Any time they saw me, they would stop me and harass me. It was the 90s, so the police could do anything to anyone as long as they said "Where are the drugs?" while they did it. You'll notice that nowadays the fashion seems to be to yell "stop resisting" or "gun" before they abuse private citizens without probable cause, but at the time is was "where are the drugs?" So, after a while of being stopped and harassed every time I left the house, I eventually got fed up and talked back to them. "Where are the drugs?" "The guy you're ignoring while you fuck with me has them". For that, I got my face busted off the hood of the cruiser a couple times before they let me go. They never found anything on me, because there never was anything on me, but being small town idiot cops they were sure that every time they didn't find drugs it was because I was really good at hiding them.

      • Sorry that happened to you. The drugs are a systematic and bullshit pretense now to meddle in anyone's lives they don't like. It's fucked.

        I moved from a city, into a small town. The cops don't like me round here. I get cuffed every stop.

        They even cuffed my partner once, while yelling "stop resisting" like you weigh 150 more lbs than her bro. She ain't doing shit.

  • Police in my town spend a significant amount of time at the scenes of car accidents. I wonder what percentage of their time?

    Their priority should be on crime and accident response and prevention and I feel like it is in my small town. I don't know how this compares to police in larger cities, which makes studies like these valuable.