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  • You see in the US there are secret underground copies of all of our houses and gopher versions live there.

    They are making it clear if you are speaking to John or Gopher John.

    Sorry, for real I've never heard this before. Can you tell us where you heard it from? I'm really curious now.

  • It's our national rodent and I'll thank you to take appropriate pride in her. Squeeker squeek.

    I think they're saying "go for John". I saw it on a movie once and thought "huh" and my buddy Chris did it a couple times, but that's about all my IRL experience with it.

  • American here, and I’ve never heard anyone seriously answer the phone this way. I did have a co-worker who would answer “Go for Mike” as a joke when he knew the caller. I had the impression it was from silly comedy or sit-com or meme that went around for a while.

  • Pretty sure it's an old businessman thing. "Go for (my name)!" in a cock-sure tone is pretty much how I would expect any old business hot-shot asshole to answer the phone.

  • We would say, "go for (name)" at work over the handheld radio, never heard of anyone using this on the phone. Sometimes I'd get bored and say "go for Zap Rowsdower" or whatever

  • This question has plagued my mind for decades, because the main character of the tv show Eureka, Jack Carter, always answered his radio/phone with this. And to this day I have no idea what words he was saying or why he always said it. I had started to think he was saying "gofer" which is

    An employee who runs errands in addition to performing regular duties.

    But that seemed a bit weird for the sheriff to say