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  • At my old job we had a system of first initial + last name, or if that was already taken then the first two characters of first name + last name, etc. A ticket came into us from an Lo[...] Li who had some concerns about being We obviously gave him an alias.

  • Used to work on an AS400 inventory system. First 5 letters of your last name+ first letter of your first name. New hire named Sean Moroney ended up with "morons" as his handle and they wouldn't change it. Felt so bad for the dude lol

  • Back in the day when a lot of things things were capped at 8 characters, my uncle used to work for a company where they had (first 7 letters of last name) + (first letter of first name).

    At least until they hired a woman named Margaret Manspera. Luckily, was spotted in advance, and she was given instead.