I always lay in bed and play Minecraft when I'm sick. I didn't grow up with Minecraft, and I really don't understand the intricacies of it, but a few years ago I had pneumonia and Minecraft was the only game I could figure out through the brain fog. To this day I always pick it back up and start a new game whenever I'm under the weather. It's just so peaceful and charming. It cheers me up right away.
If you want some variety, I played a ton of PowerWash Simulator when I had COVID and it was fantastic. Just chill, not much thought required, and clean stuff with a pressure washer progression system.
When I was younger I'd lie in bed and watch winter sports like ski jumping, biathlon, bobsled, that kind of thing. It was the only thing on t.v. and I never really paid attention. Just people doing stuff in the snow, nice mountain scenery, some commentator talking in the background. It might not sound like much, but it felt soothing for some reason.
Nowadays fold out the guest bed in the attic, get cozy, and sleep whenever I can. If that's not possible I play a game to keep myself distracted from how sick I'm feeling.
Idk thankfully I don't get sick very often, and I attribute that to masking, handwashing, and taking every vaccine the world will provide me with. Most of my sick days are something like back pain.
Mint tea and thin mint Girl Scout cookies… I don’t really either at any other time, but if I’m under the weather, nothing sounds good to eat. I do my best to drink water and stay hydrated, but guzzling water all day when I do t feel good is a chore. So I’ll have tea and cookies instead.
I’m so habituated that it’s frequently when I realize that I AM sick, because I’ll find myself looking in the cupboard for thin mints.
Then you run the risk of getting other people sick that way. Unless you can't afford it, and/or don't have the sick time, you should never go to work sick unless you work alone. If you do anyway, you're not being smart, just irresponsible.