Nothing Happens - Wallows - 100 Days, 100 Albums
Nothing Happens - Wallows - 100 Days, 100 Albums
[2019] Nothing Happens by Wallows
Artist Info:
Album Info:
Track List
- Only Friend
- Treacherous Doctor
- Sidelines
- Are You Bored Yet (feat. Clairo.)
- Scrawny
- Ice Cold Pool
- Worlds Apart
- What You Like
- Remember When
- I'm Full
- Do Not Wait
Run Time - ≈ 38 Minutes 51 Seconds
Cover Photo
Fun Facts
Band member Dylan Minnette was in 13 Reasons Why and a number of other TV shows and a few films.
Personal Thoughts
Unfortunately I didn't really like Nothing Happens, I found the lyrics a bit boring and did not think the instrumental content stood on it's own. Don't get me wrong, it certainly wasn't the worst thing I've ever heard, there were a couple songs I did enjoy, and I'm not calling the rest bad, just not for me. My favorite track was Remember When, I also liked Are You Bored Yet.