Quaint rhyme from better times. Boss is making $34 for my dime today.
62 2 Reply"Boss makes a 20, I make a buck. Now I smoke crack in the company truck"
68 2 ReplyIt wouldn't be so bad if it were only a 20x difference. It is more like a 5000x difference. 🥲
18 1 Reply
Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime,
that was a poem from a simpler time.
Boss makes a dollar, we don't make jack,
that's why we fight to take the means back!
55 2 ReplyBoss makes a million, I make a buck That’s why we steal the catalytic converter off the company truck
22 0 Reply
i love WFH because i can wake up feeling like shit and log on immediately to start the clock instead of waking up on my own time and giving my peak hours to the capitalists
29 1 ReplyNo commute though so at least you're not crying in the car while stuck in traffic.
14 1 Reply
Do you really win if capitalism dictates when you should feel / cry?
21 2 ReplyBut they don't dictate it. They win if you cry only when it doesn't affect them
21 1 ReplyThey do. The capitalistic grind makes you think it's more worthwhile to cry while making money, rather than cry when you needed to.
3 1 Reply
If I can be less productive at work and get paid to cry, then that's a double win on the capitalists
17 1 ReplyBut they get you to cry on their terms. How much is agency worth as a human being - more or less than the hourly wage?
1 3 Reply
I'm more courageous with with food I'm not sure is expired on monday-wednesday "fuck it I have sick leave"
14 1 ReplyMy brain does not allow me to schedule convenient sad times
10 0 Replyjesus christ, just start a union. unionized companies habe so much better wages. at least where i live.
12 2 ReplyDon't waste your sick days being sick. They're for going to the beach
6 0 ReplyYes! Don't let the capitalist win!
4 1 Replyold Stanhope joke: drink Sunday through Thursday. if you're gonna be hungover anyway, do it on the company dime.
2 0 ReplyI work weekends so I'll be sad if I want to. My Mondays are pretty chill. All you people who do a single damn thing on the weekend that requires anyone at all to work can shut the hell up about it too.
1 3 Reply