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  • Haunt some of the powerful but evil people in the world and see what I can change. Let's see how effective a dictator like Kim Jong Il can be with a ghost all up in their business.

    If I have poltergeist abilities then I suppose just straight up assassinating people would be possible. After all, if you can shove a book off the shelf or flip a light switch then breaking a few tiny blood vessels in someone's brain to give them a stroke is going to be easy. Not that killing other people would be easy, but maybe as a ghost I'd have a different perspective on death.

  • I'll play but what are the rules here? Can I move objects? Do people hear/see me? Ooh, can I possess people?

    • Let's suppose basic ghostly/poltergeist capacities, so nothing on the level of a great spirit or deity, in which case basically yes to what you mention (and in similar ways, so the whole hearing/seeing would be something you could flip on/off, make a case by case to mess with folks, etc.).

  • Test to see if i can take over a person's body like the movie Heart and soul, then problem just help them do or say the things they want to.

    Like a guardian angel, but useful.