The size of a what
The size of a what
The size of a what
Alt: The character The Boulder from TV series "Avatar: The Last Airbender" captioned "The Boulder feels conflicted."
Coloradan here. This tweet was a joke response from the sheriff's department to a previous incident where they described a large boulder the size of a large boulder blocking the road.
Update: I was wrong. The officer meant to say "the size of a small car". The "larger boulder the size of a large boulder" tweet came later as a joke reference to this one.
Probably meant to write 'the size of a large car' originally?
I read coruscantian at first and was thinking about the incident where half a ship shaped ship dropped on us the last week
I imagine a Venn diagram with small boulders on the left side and large boulders on the right and in the middle the one on the image
It's not just a boulder, it's a rock.
Do you smeeeeelllllllllll what it's cooking?
Hopefully pizza, because I'm starving!
astonishingly in the shape of a boulder
I just realized I have a giant cat the size of a small cat...
Nature is amazing!
Would you rather fight a large small boulder, or a small large boulder?
This reminds me of the joke about the little person psychic who escaped jail.
They're a small medium at large.
Flows a bit better if you just use little psychic instead of little person psychic. Or maybe short psychic so it's not as obvious.
Looks something like 50 capybaras big?... more?
Are we talking volumetric capybaras or massive capybaras?
50? 50! I can't imagine that large boulder the size of a small boulder is the same size as 50 of these?
This is what happens when cops are in charge of their own social media.
Nah, this is what happens when society is more concerned with sensationalism than factuality.
It was a little boulder, such a little boulder, but it reminded me of a large boulder, yeah just in miniature size.
Bould of them to assume they know sizes.
Fortune favours the boulder.
So, medium?
No, it's clearly the size of a small boulder
Is this Bob the Boulder?
Looks bouldery enough to me
Big words out of a small brain.