Pretty fly for a Venn diagram
Pretty fly for a Venn diagram
Pretty fly for a Venn diagram
Fly knife?
I mean, I googled it and the top result was the Wikipedia entry for Kunai, so... I guess it works?
Fly knife?
Should’ve been a shuriken!
What can we learn from this?
Knives have the most dominant qualities and butter has the least dominant qualities out of these three objects
I still prefer butter
nah knives taste way better
though i guess we are together against flies, so that's good
But butter is the most likely to show up in the name.
That reminds of this interesting article on the order of words :
So is butter going to take over a nuclear weapons disposal facility?
Can someone explain the kunai intersection to me?
A throwing ("flying") knife.
Pretty weak. All the others are great though
I'm not sure either, but when you google "fly knife" the kunai is the top result but the wiki page doesn't mention t at all, maybe because it's stereotypically a throwing (flying) knife?
I came to find the same thing. How does a butcher knife and a fly become a kunai?
Intruder alert, Red Spy in in the base!
A Red Spy is in the Base?!
I am upvoting this because it is very relevant to my interests, and strangely timely.
Is that a BM #42? I almost bought one for 140USD so long ago but I chose not to. I heavily regret it.
Fly knife
Butter + fly + knife = balisong
Aka butterfly knife
I balisang, balisong and will balisong
This should be used to teach venn diagrams
People will still be confused. They'll "understand" but be unable to generalize