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  • The worst is when you find the stuff here and egg_irl "funny and relatable"

    • Nah the worst is when you don't find it relatable or even understand any of it and people insist you do and poke fun at you (egging) sometimes going a bit too far, that happened to me. Wasn't fun, but I did eventually figure out about being Agender (and Isogender) which really cleared up the mystery of why I don't understand gender. Just kinda wish people didn't try pushing the stereotypes so hard on me, was real frustrating and uncomfortable ya know.

      Btw I know I'm replying to old comments, been gone for a while and trying to catch back up.

    • Uhm... Why do you say that?

      • Don't worry about it too much, just egg_irl/traa humor, lots of them like to poke fun at the idea of turning people trans but it's a joke (it's meant to be a joke, though sometimes people violate the prime directive and it becomes not funny anymore).