Let's see what the New York Times is publishing nowadays
Let's see what the New York Times is publishing nowadays
Let's see what the New York Times is publishing nowadays
fun fact palestinians are human
I'm sure lib fact checkers have found a way tp give this all the Pinocchios/pants on fires. I can't stomache commitment to that bit to do one myself though
Killing to protect human life and the more we kill the more human life is protected. When all humans are killed all human life is protected because we all ascend to heaven thanks to our glorious savior Jesus Christ.
Yep that sounds like white western thinking to me!
Yep that sounds like white western thinking to me!
Wrong, westerners would not say that native people of the places they colonize would go to heaven.
Wrong, westerners would not say that native people of the places they colonize are human.
Bro they said the same thing about Korea and Vietnam. THEY don't value human life like WE do SO WE are justified when we indiscriminately MASSACRE THEM.
In a just world every NYT “journalist” would be put on trial for supporting terrorism
Supporting terrorism and genocide = wall
Yeah but they should be reminded that they’re the absolute lowest of the low, scum of the earth disgusting pieces of shit and paraded through the streets for shit-flinging before the world is finally rid of their cancerous asses
implying Palestinians aren't human
Just lib things 🙃
I think it's all a little desperate. My suspicion is that the propaganda is not working as they hoped which makes them all the more genocidal.
I don't think this sort of reaction would be necessary without all of the pushback. I don't recall anything like it in the past, even when troops were on the ground in Gaza or Lebanon.
New York "Hitler isn't really antisemitic" Times is trying to tell me what now?
Valuing human life is when I drop White Phosphorus on a Children's Hospital
wow it's indistinguishable from a war-on-terror era ben shapiro tweet
(CW Racist hate speech)
How long do we have to wait before somebody just fucking kills him?
That Bozo's been around this long, huh
I assume this was an earlier headline for the article. They seem to have changed the headline now to: Israel Can Defend Itself and Uphold Its Values
Just turning the big dial as they watch the crowd.
Hilariously they only changed the headline but still left that text in the body of the op-ed..
At least that headline is technically true. The zionist entity is built on genocidal fascist values so doing a genocide doesn't endanger them.
The photo is actually the first in the series of two pictures. The second picture (not shown) is of the hand flattening the woman and her child, with viscera flying all over the background
Gundam Witch the movie
Something hurts my brain about justifying murder with the accusation that the victims don't care for human life.
looks to me like that hand is about to squish some innocent lives
that's what they were trying to imply, right? the strong threatening hand held over the heads of innocent Palestinians, right?
And why does it look like Dr. Manhattan's hand?
Bombs for Peace
Turns out we need to nuke Moscow.
Oh wait, we don't care about that whole Russia/Ukraine thing anymore. Silly me.
Glass Gaza for peace!
Aw, I read that and now I vomited chili everywhere.
Satanic racism should become the defining phrase of the year
new york times is right wing and always has been, like even by our american standards i mean
Thinking how much I want to show everyone involved in this article just how much I value human life
*some exclusions apply
All exclusions apply lol. They're bombing Gaza with Israeli hostages there. They dont give a fuck about ANYONE.
the NYT editorial board should be on the receiving end of that defense
well no, except the dudes in charge probably don't think of Palestinians as human
As opposed to the Palestinian, where *somehow *a ton of people die, showing they don't care about human life as much
Hiding behind the editorial board too. Fucking cowards.