Share your photo mode creations!
Share your photo mode creations!
I just discovered how preem this game's photo mode is. Drop some of your most nova creations in here!
Share your photo mode creations!
I just discovered how preem this game's photo mode is. Drop some of your most nova creations in here!
this is my entry (modded shoes)
I have plenty ("Wallpaper Generator 2077"), but I have one in particular that I've been sitting on for a while, been my windows background for probably a year or so. Was intending to post it to Reddit, but never got around to it. So now's as good a time as any, and this a better place:
(Had trouble uploading the image; I guess that there's a size limit or something?)What jacket is that?
You maybe mean the one with the red face? That's Johnny's Samurai jacket. You can obtain it in the quest "Chippin' In" from Rogue.