like any other celebrity
like any other celebrity
like any other celebrity
To be fair his dad abandoned him with his mother and then set him up to die for basically no reason. Kinda an asshole.
Oh yeah his family is loaded, I heard they named a chapel after him
It's worse than this: Somehow he decided to live amongst the peasants, but put on this big show about; but 'how do ya do fellow plebs?'. In some twisted logic, Jesus is somehow the son and the father, at the same time, but different.
Also: ghost
"pretends to be poor" == "not into conspicuous consumption"
Judging by the glasses, this is a 2012 meme judging hipsters for inconspicuous consumption.
I mean yeah if I could turn water into wine…
I rum a distillery and literally turn water into spirits. I just add a bit of yeast and sugar and boil that bad boy.
Guess I should call myself rum Jesus.
Well in that case I'll have a rum and Coca-Cola.
Started from the bottom now we here
Carpenters were pretty rich back then
Your’d better shut up, so you know who’s my dad?