The title says it all, but to go into a bit more detail- I’ve got a fuzz face or 3, too many big muffs, and 1 foxx tone fuzz and none of these are working for my pedalboard layout or tone.
Im doing the dive into tonebenders to 1. Add that flavor to my collection and 2. Hopefully find a cool sound for the heavier parts in my current band.
Im aware there’s mk.1,1.5, and 2 seem to be the most popular. I’m interested in the keeley fuzz bender, the eqd park fuzz, and the solidgoldfx communication breakdown.
What entry into this fuzz type am I not thinking of? What’s your favorite tonebender fuzz
I have an Analogman sunBender mk IV that’s my go-to fuzz. I also had the Ramble FX TwinBender— this one only exists (overpriced) on the used market now, but it was great- super versatile and well-thought-out fuzz.
Analogman gives you lots of options to customize your pedal (transistors, LED, power/battery, etc) so worth a look!
The only Fuzz I've played is a DOD Carcosa I recently obtained. According to The Gear Page it's more of a Bender than a Fuzz Face. I'm pretty happy with it so far.
The carcosa is probably worth me checking out just from all the good reviews I see! I’m not against the JHS bender either… but I’m way too poor for a sun bender probably lol
I also am a little intrigued by the mk4 after hearing it on the this TPS video with Josh Scott. 42:00 into the video they get into the Mk4.
Pretty much. As I understand it, the 1.5 and FF are basically identical with the exception of parts values, which gives them a little different sound. The mk1 was introduced as a 3 transistor fuzz, then a series of TBs were discovered to only have 2 diodes later on and chronologically that happened between the mk1 and mk2. The 2 transistor version (1.5) wasn't actually advertised as a new model or anything at the time... it was just another Tonebender for all intents and purposes. Then as you progress to the 2, 3 and 4 it deviates a bit further away from the original schematic.