Watching ads while grandma is choking on a fish bone
Watching ads while grandma is choking on a fish bone
Watching ads while grandma is choking on a fish bone
Like even if there were no ads you'd learn how to help in a timely manner.
"What's up guys! It's me, your boy, MikeyMedic here with another video of a standard first aid technique, the Abdominal Thrusts!! Now the Abdominal Thrust is a standard first aid trick that is used to help someone when they're choking 5 minutes on things you can choke on Speaking of food to choke on, our sponsor this week is FoodBox! 3 minutes of FoodBox ad Abdominal Thrusts used to be called the Heimlich Maneuver! Henry Heimlich was... 5 minute history on the Heimlich Maneuver and now I'm going to perform an abdominal thrust on my friend, Someguy420! Check out his videos on another 2 minutes for a partner plug and then 1 minute on how to perform abdominal thrusts And that's how you perform an abdominal thrust! Be sure to check out my other videos. 3 minutes on other video content, liking and subscribing and hitting that bell."
I would like to shill Sponsorblock, an extension where users can select sections of a video, mark them as "introduction" "non-music" or "sponsor" and it automatically skip those sections for other users who arrive at that video. It has made using Youtube so so so much smoother.
It's not called Heimlich anymore? I guess i have to watch some MikeyMedic videos...
Thoracic surgeon and medical researcher Henry Heimlich, noted for promulgating abdominal thrusts, claimed that back slaps were proven to cause death by lodging foreign objects into the windpipe. A 1982 Yale study by Day, DuBois, and Crelin that persuaded the American Heart Association to stop recommending back blows for dealing with choking was partially funded by Heimlich's own foundation. According to Dr. Roger White of the Mayo Clinic and American Heart Association (AHA), "There was never any science here. Heimlich overpowered science all along the way with his slick tactics and intimidation, and everyone, including us at the AHA, caved in."
Heimlich's son, Peter M. Heimlich, alleges that in August 1974 his father published the first of a series of fraudulent case reports in order to promote the use of abdominal thrusts for near-drowning rescue.
In May 2016, Henry Heimlich, then age 96, claimed to have personally used the maneuver to save the life of a fellow resident at his retirement home in Cincinnati. It was alleged to be either the first or second time Heimlich himself used his namesake maneuver to save the life of someone in a non-simulated choking situation. According to Heimlich's son, Peter M. Heimlich, "both 'rescues' were bogus."
..well, damn.
If I remember correctly from my first aid training, the Heimlich family themselves asked for it not to be called that, possibly to avoid being implicated in instances of it going wrong! Or possibly my first aid instructor was full of shit... :-)
Literally what youtube has become.
Friends, if you haven't already done so: Adblocker + Sponsorblock = sanity.
Don't forget the 5 minute request before you've even seen the start of what you're interested in that you like, subscribe, and request notifications
Damn, it's like i just finished watching pretty much any YouTube video.
Abdominal Thrust is a standard first aid trick
I would have switched off and gone to find another video at this point.
I appreciate the content creators who at least mark the sponsorship segment on the timeline so I know where to skip to.
There's SponsorBlock, which is community-driven and autoskips pretty much every big youtuber's sponsors.
"Sorry your gran's dead, but you can get YouTube Premium for £12.99 a month for an ad-free experience."
Cyberpunk isn't too far off..
Of course not. Cyberpunk and tech noir usually isn't just about the future, it's arguably about now. More generally, science fiction is often used as a 'safe' way to criticise existing society or say what can't otherwise be said.
Prime example: Tarkovski's science fiction films (Stalker, Solaris, ...), which smuggled very religious themes past the soviet censor, because 'it's only science fiction'.
Make a movie glorifying terrorism? Likely jail sentence and on a list. Make a movie glorifying a terrorist that blows up parliament in a dystopian future? Cult classic.
Make a movie which compares American nationalism to the nazis? You'll never work in Hollywood again. Make it about humans fighting space aliens? Would you like to know more?
Make a movie about how capitalists indoctrinate us all via advertising? You filthy communist! Make a movie about how aliens indoctrinate us all via advertising? They Live, John Carpenter, cult classic.
Make a movie about transitioning? No thanks. Make a movie about freeing yourself from the Matrix with the help of a red pill which looks a lot like the hormone pills the directors used to transition? Become a millionaire.
Make a tv episode where one of the main cast has a sexual relationship with a trans character, who is later forced to undergo gender reaffirming therapy in 1992? Impossible. Make it about Riker having a relationship with an alien who's not androgynous because her race finds gender weird? Prime time tv.
Make a tv programme about the guilt of a Nazi who worked in a camp while the Jews were being exterminated? No way that's happening. Make a tv programme about the guilt of a space alien who worked in a camp while other space aliens were being exterminated? That particular Star Trek episode was broadcast in prime time, to wide acclaim.
For this reason, and on a related note, anyone who complains about a science fiction show or movie being 'too political' is more often than not a moron and/or disingenious.
I remember when cyberpunk's vision of the future was grounded in ridiculous cynicism instead of a charitable assessment of reality.
Your grandmother is choking. YouTube believes in preventing elder abuse. You are an unfit guardian. Your grandmother will be put in the custody of YouTube. YouTube: “Fuck you, I’m streaming.”
"Welcome to I love you"
Lol I can't tell if that was a real reply. I assume it's a satire account?
The real Mildly Infuriating is that someone directly copied one of Stephen Merchant's tweets word for word.
YouTube is not Wikipedia or fucking EMS
As true as that is, in an emergency people don't always have time to seek out professional help, and it ain't like calling 911 will magically make an ambulance appear in 30 seconds.
Also, the Institute Of Human Anatomy actually has a YouTube channel...
"hold up a minute, I need to support Wikipedia with my yearly $3 donation. it just popped up and I will forget."
(though you should help keep the lights on at wp so I guess gran had a good run)
should have been an ad blocker it's 2023.
Well I'm sure everybody here on Lemmy already uses ublock. The rest of society doesn't really know all these methods
Adblocking on mobile is much harder than adblocking on desktop, and if you're in an emergency situation like the one described, you're more likely on your phone.
Personally I use ReVanced, which incorporates adblocking as well as giving you Premium features like background playing & PIP (while also keeping the benefits of being signed in to YT, like using your playlists, comments, etc.). But if I were an iPhone user I don't know how I would watch YouTube.
agreed but it's still shocking to me how people put up with so many ads it's absolutely indegestable.
How does one become an ad blocker?
you only blink when there are ads
Third party websites fix that problem. Also why are you looking up videos. Call emergency services.
Sorry Gran, EMS is 20 minutes out. Hope you’ve been practicing holding your breath.
Yes, but 911 will provide pre-approval instructions for you and also start EMS
Source- am a 911 dispatcher
That said, a lot of our instructions fall a bit short of what you would learn from pretty much any first aid class, and we're not really allowed to deviate from our approved instructions for liability reasons. So if you're able to, everyone take some first aid classes. At the very least, you don't want the first time you're learning something to be in an actual emergency situation
To be fair, the people at 911 probably give better instructions than a Youtube Video.
They can give you directions over the phone
"Here's a cool Veritasium video with techniques on holding your breath -- learn fast, gran!"
Then Gran will die anyway as soon as she sees the bill
Haha TeamYouTube response is classical idiocracy.... "Just pay us more and we may be better" :)
"Pay us, or your grandma can choke to death. Your choice!"
This repost needs more jpeg
I just want a picture of a goddang hotdog
Maybe learn basic first aid before someone is dying.
Even if someone already knows how to do the Heimlich Maneuver, is that really going to be effective when someone is choking on a fish bone that's almost certainly sharp and stuck in there?
Even if someone already knows how to do the Heimlich Maneuver
FWIW, abdominal thrusts are not recommended for choking due to considerable evidence that it can cause harm. "Abdominal thrusts" is the more formal term for what's sometimes called the Heimlich Manoeuvre. Use chest thrusts instead.
Ah give Granny a tracheotomy, clever.
I'm more of a uBO and NewPipe user, myself. Piped is a front-end site yeah?
How's piped compare to revanced?
ReVanced lets you sign in so you can do things like thumbs up/down videos (it also comes with "Return YouTube Dislike" so you can see downvote ratios), interact with your playlists like Watch Later, and comment. Piped, to my knowledge, does not.
I'm not sure where Piped stands on PIP and background playback. ReVanced gives you both of them, but if I had to guess I'd say it's likely that Piped will support PIP but not background playback, since it seems like PIP is something Android lets you have nearly for free (in terms of developer effort) but background playback seems to need more work to support.
I might just be old fashioned enough to think that YouTube probably shouldn't be your first stop in an emergency.
The best time to learn emergency lifesaving procedures is before you need them, but the second best time is when you need them. Being old fashioned about this could cost a life.
If you have a quicker reference people should bookmark for such cases, the kind thing would be to share it rather than judge. Else, panicking people will inevitably go where they know they can usually get fast instruction about any other topic.
A fish bone would most likely not obstuct grandma's breathing anyway, heimlich wouldn't help.
tldr; typical false Tw strawman. gma died because you thought you could learn cpr as a youtube download in 10 seconds. try again
This is a rare example of a situation in which an ad blocker would maybe have saved a life…
Depends if you believe in life by statistics..
Just using the data from sponsor block, the community crowdsourced video embedded ad skipper..
There are currently 13,033,165 users who have submitted 15,198,718 skip segments, which have saved a total of 2001 years and 38.56 days of people's lives.
2001 years / 75 years average per life equals 26 lives saved
Sponsor block alone has saved 26 lives worth of time....
It would be pretty challenging to implement a feature that removed ads only before first aid videos.
They could just do it manually from top results for relevant searches. Not fair (wouldn't get most of them) but better than the current status
Perhaps they could just add a toggle for the uploader that made sure no ads play in front of the video
They could easily just postpone ads for all videos. Most instances could save some vital/fascinating information until after the ad, but the CPR basics could be summarized quickly before the ad. By then your hands are fully engaged so you have to let the ad play, and afterwards you can learn about the depressing statistics of anyone surviving, much less recovering fully.
Hey Moron, maybe stop using YouTube as an emergency instruction service...
Let me guess, American?