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I was addicted to IV heroin/fentanyl for 12 years AMA

Never thought it'd happen to me. It did. Been Clean a bit over a year. I got a couple crazy stories for sure. AMA

Edit: this is pretty personal, the answers kinda long, and I can't touch on everything, but I'll try my best. Thanks for reading.

  • I kicked Oxycontin a very long time ago, but spent nearly two years in an immensely deep depression that I felt as though I'd never come out of. There was no joy left in my soul. How long did it take you to come back, and are you still struggling?

    • Great fkn question fr. Deserves a good a swer so I'll try.

      OK so on the tail end of my run I was stacking benzos on tip to fight my bleak utter nothing of a life. I kept a slip knot tied in my top drawer, knowing id never use it, just to remind me how much I apparently loove suffering.

      I've always been an extremely spiritual being. Not religious. Just whole. Or I thought I was. But the things I knew and understood, I never put them into practice. I was using.

      That whole time I was training myself to deal with trauma, adversity this that the third, so but the time I got clean I had a whole entire blue print for how to live.

      It was literally a light switch going on.

      I remember the day quite vividly. I was in jail on mail intake, it was a coupke weeks in, i was through the worst. A little skin crawly but No seizures. Nothing. I made a cup of Ramen noodles and tuna pouch with this older gangbanger turned family man from PR who threw in some cool ranch doritos, and a homeless kid who presented himself as literally Jesus christ.

      I swear I never had so much fun in my life as I did in jail.

      I realized long ago that happiness is a choice. It's just a perspective. You have to want to be happy. To cultivate that. Cause life only means what you want it to, and our brains are pliable. You can rewire your brain. Those old dead power lines will always be there, but you can run new ones.

      The brain and life itself are really quite remarkable. That is my perspective now. I'm just being.

  • Do you think it changed you, and if so, how?

    What's your take on the fentanyl crisis that seems to be happening?

    Were you ever scared of an accidental lethal OD from using fentanyl?

    • It changed my entire being. It disconnecting me from everything, emotions, people, and mostly myself. Today I am more mindful. I have gained some much needed emotional intelligence, and most of all I gained some perspective. I'm still putting my life back together, but I'm just really appreciative that I get to experience anything at all, any emotion, anything. Anything past dead is gravy for me. I wouldn't trade my shitty experience for the world.

      The fentanyl crisis is a natural evolution. Stronger cheaper easier to manufacture. I think it's mostly a cause of a broken education and criminal justice system. Prohibition never worked. Give the people something safe to use, offer them treatment. They're gonna do it anyway.

      The scariest thing that came along with fentanyl is the vet tranquilizer that they cut it with. Since fent does not last as long and is not as euphoric, the tranquilizer is added to make it last longer and feel heavier. It causes all types of issues in your body. Swollen limbs, sleep standing, nodding out on limbs can cause permanent nerve damage. It's just super dangerous all around.

      Look, I could only use fentanyl after a certain point. Heroin wouldn't even get me well. I've always practiced pretty good harm reduction tactics, but by the time I made the transition to fentanyl, it was nearly impossible for me to OD. I actually never ODed by common definition. Always kept intra muscular AND intranasal Naloxone on hand. New syringe everytime (usually eek).

      But yea it was a constant worry. I would do "allergy tests" before main dose. I guess I got lucky.

      Most people OD after they get clean. Out of jail/rehab etc, but I NEVER got clean besides for that last time. I knew coming out if I fucked around, I'd def find out with the stuff on the street today.