Intelligence is knowing frankenstein's "monster" wasnt frankenstein. Wisdom is knowing that frankenstein was the monster.
Intellect is knowing "the monster" was essentially the doctor's child and would share his last name.
The "doctor" was a monster.
The monster was a Frankenstein.
This needs to be cross-stitched somewhere
Knowledge is knowing that this needs to be cross-stitched somewhere. Wisdom is knowing that somewhere it is cross-stitched .
Knowledge is realizing it needs to be cross stitched. Wisdom is realizing it doesn’t need to be tattooed
Enlightenment is creating an army of Frankensteins.
I mean, Frankenstein was a self-centred, shortsighted coward who refused to take responsibility for his actions, but he wasn't a cold-blooded murderer. The monster was.
IF he doctors name is Dr Frankenstein
AND Frankenstein's monster is essentially Dr. Frankenstein's son
THEN Frankenstein's Monster's last name is Frankenstein and is therefore technically named "Frankenstein"