I struggle every day with the thought that the corporate noose tightening around all of our necks will not be solved unless we as a society begin to provide some real ... 'mortal incentive' to the oligarchs of the world. No way I could ever do it myself, but I understand the need for it now more than ever.
Normally I'm a solutions guy. I shouldn't be coming up with this as a solution for the issues of the world right now, but it's gotten so egregious that the systems we've put in place FOR THE PEOPLE are not working for the people any longer.
Blowing up fossil fuel infrastructure is a moronic idea that'll create an environmental disaster worse than the infrastructure existing. Instead, sabotage it so that it stops flowing.
I heard they protect the pipelines near places where it's easy to access and they know pretty quickly where the break happened so they can find you. It's quite difficult to actually figure out how to blow up a pipeline and not immediately get arrested.
Same thoughts, my mind even came up with a good plan.
Drones equipped with remote activated termite pots.
It melts through steel easily and fossil fuels burn. You can do this from a distance and it uses cheap available materials.
I don't have the guts to do it though...
So it remains an Idea.
Start small, do sabo stuff like tree spiking first which has this outcome, transition to occupying weapons factories (with an org), gain experience before branching out.
I imagine dying doing some act of eco terrorism and then imagine my soul going to heaven where I meet Vladimir Lenin who calls me a liberal for doing an adventurism and then writes an entire book about how stupid I am
I would, but this bad air quality thanks to our fossil fuel industry has given me pretty bad asthma and other respetory problems resulting in low energy.
See, by posting this, I'm on the watchlist too. So the watchlist is watching the watchmen watching the watchlist watching the watchmen ad infinitum. If you're asking "watch the fuck?", to explain without using the word watch, I've engaged an infinite mobius surveillance loop.
I generally imagine myself standing on trial with the argument of self defense. While it's what I would argue in a hypothetical criminal trial, the outcome is enough of a deterrent
So your solution to fossil fuels causing pollution. Is to cause an ecological disaster? "Let's blow up the pipeline full of oil that is bad for everything it touches. Surely the resulting oil spill won't be bad for everything covered".