Yale professor who studies fascism fleeing US to work in Canada
Yale professor who studies fascism fleeing US to work in Canada

Yale professor who studies fascism fleeing US to work in Canada

Yale professor who studies fascism fleeing US to work in Canada
Yale professor who studies fascism fleeing US to work in Canada
I wonder if he has seen through history what what the future can become with the direction of the current political administration
It could become dangerous for having a voice
As a history graduate myself, I can tell you that he has absolutely looked forward, and extrapolated where this timeline is likely to go, based not only on past historical examples, but also considering the models that the contemporary players are using, which is clearly a combination of the Nazi playbook, extreme Libertarian fantasy, Russian ambition, and oligarchic greed .
Way back in the late 80s, I started listening to Rush Limbaugh, whose radical propaganda I was able to resist because I had a good grounding in Critical Thinking. But as I heard his listeners fawn over him, and saw the conservative talk radio trend quickly spread across America following the end of the Fairness Doctine in 1987, I realized that if this level of conservative rhetoric and propaganda continued for long enough, it could literally destroy America, and then the world.
Then I watched in horror as it caught fire in the 90s with Newt Gingrich fanning the flames, then the stolen election of 2000, with the Dems just saying "Oh, well," in response, then the rise and election of HitlerPig.
EVERY single prediction I made in my most extreme imagination in 1987 has come true so far, and if we dont do something to stop it, we will come to resemble Nazi Germany, with death camps and everything. Except this time, nobody will come to the rescue, and the entire planet will turn into an authoriarian kleptocracy, operated by Sociopathic Oligarchs.
My next prediction: MAGA can't lose the slim majorities in both Houses, or control of investigatory committees will fall into the hands of Democrats, as well as legislative control. Protests will continue to grow around the nation, driven by citizen anger over multiple issues. By next summer the protests will be huge, and HitlerPig will encourage his RedHats to instigate violence. They heeded his call before, and he pardoned them, and made them political martyrs within their cause. They will respond again.
Now he can call the protests violent, and send in the authorities to quell the violence with more extreme violence. That will allow him to declare Martial Law and suspend the upcoming elections until peace is restored, and since he controls the peace, that will never happen. Any further demonstrations will be met with deadly violence, and any organizers will be disappeared to the 30,000 person facility currently being built in Guantanamo, outside of the view of the media or the toothless courts.
Kapo Stephen "PeeWee Himmler" Miller has said that he wants America reduced from the current 335 million people, to 100 million. Using your best historical speculation, how do you think he proposes to reach that goal?
A wise decision
There's enough material for him to study there, past and present
I can understand wanting to study fascism from a distance.
distance? He's right in it
He needs a t-shirt that says "If you see me running, try to keep up!"
An ordnance technician at a dead run outranks everybody.
I work with big tanks of a pressurized gas that occasionally releases pressure for a few seconds, very loudly. Civilians are often startled, and ask if its going to blow up, and I always say:
"Do you see me running?"
"Then don't worry about it. But if you see me running, then you should definitely run, too."
Like when safety at work asks what steps to take when you see an electrical fire.
“Fucking big ones” apparently isn’t a good response
Damn that is a good one
we should be forming a human shield around these people
This is going to keep happening. The brain drain is real.
There are two sides to the brain drain. First are the researchers into things the government doesn't like, who will leave if they have the means to.
But the second is that with all of our hostility to foreign nationals right now, even the ones who come from countries the government likes will think twice about applying for positions here.
The net result is that the brightest minds will go elsewhere.
Which is fine with them, they know that smart people will call them out on their bullshit. That's why one of the first thing an authoriatarian government does is go after the intellectuals. That's why they're disappearing avtivist college students.
The good news for our side is that they are giving their opposition the gift of competence. The most experienced, competent leaders are being replaced with stupid, ignorant, totally inexperienced loyalists. Left behind are millions of angry Federal employees, who hate what MAGA is doing to all their years of hard work, and who despise their new bosses. They are ripe for recruiting as moles, leakers, saboteurs, assassins, etc. And those experienced leaders will be the ones to lead us through the inevitable revolt, and form the basis of the new Democractic government.
Ultimately, MAGA will be brought down by their own virtuosic incompetence.
It's like a federal version of the same thing red states were doing. I left a rust belt state over a decade ago because it was clear the state was going down the tubes.
They're making America Mississippi again (MAMA).
And thats exactly the plan. An idiocracy thats easy to control and exploit.
There are also all those, in both humanities and sciences, whose projects or departments are denied funding for ideological reasons.
You can almost feel the average IQ of the nation drop every time one of these people leave
Stanley recently wrote for the Guardian about a new Department of Education directive that said teaching about systemic racism and other topics could be grounds for a civil rights violation, according to the Trump administration’s legal interpretations. Stanley said this order sets the country “on a path to educational authoritarianism”.
The fascists are still robbing their opponents of the language of dissent by turning its meaning on its head. It is now a "civil rights violation" to claim that there is racism, homophobia, transphobia or sexism in the USA. Civil rights now means protecting the supremacy of straight white men.
It's uncanny how relevant this is
You can’t post or say anything without fear of being targeted by the Trump administration. The legal student protester got abducted, and Trump stops funding universities because of protesting students. The cabinet is full of dishonorable fascists.
Once they've finished processing all the foreigners, they'll start coming for Americans they don't like.
I've been talking about how I joined Lemmy after having my 12 year, nearly million karma account permabanned on Reddit following the inauguration. When they finally get around to perusing my comment history, and track down my email info, I'm a goner.
I am reintroducing the phrase "better dead than red" under a new context
As someone who grew up hearing conservatives harshly spit out references to Reds, Pinkos, etc. I find it hilariously ironic that they ended up being the Red party. You'd think they would have insisted it be assigned to the Democrats.
Welcome, friend ❤️🇨🇦
Thank you.
This sounds like the debt we owe the countries that hid jews during the holocaust.
Your acts will be remembered long after the Trump name has been abandoned to the dust heap of infamy.
Man I knew this election was going to turn into Americans coming to Canada en mass and us having to deal with more fucking Americans.
Yeah, the people coming to Canada aren't the ones you have to worry about.
the only way we're getting in is if we agree to be construction workers, given the housing problems up there
Nah, I don’t want any of them here honestly. The democrats have done some heinous shit too and seeing how hard a lot of the supposed “good” Americans defend them makes me not want any of them here. Not to mention we already have a housing crisis without that bullshit.
us having to deal with more fucking Americans
So... you view Americans like how the conservatives in the US view Mexicans?
Might wanna check your xenophobia
Build a wall...
Look man I know you that it pisses you off. I understand. But look at this way. The ones that are coming are the one you want. Or at least I hope you want. If I could leave and keep my retirement I would.
Well Americans cannot vote in Canadian elections unless they can obtain Canadian citizenship before election day.
Fortunately, it seems we're sending our best.
Why flee when you can study it live.
Exactly, Jane Goodall didn't run from the apes, she joined their ranks to study them.
This guy should be closer.
/s if it wasn't clear
maybe he studies fascism in the way at CERN they study particles: once they found experimental evidence that one exists, they start looking for the next. Now given the abundant evidence that the US fascist exists and multiple collisions have been observed with everyone's balls, he's started searching for the more elusive Canadian Fascist
Trying to remove the observer effect, totally understandable! Best wishes in your studies! Say, before you go, which alcohol makes for the best Molotov?
Their staunch refusal to help their own country is strange to me
How would you like him to help?
🐷 🔫
We all have different roles to play. I'm here for the fight, but I have a few friends who are fleeing to Europe right now. I can understand both choices.