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White House Says Gold Reserves May Be Used to Purchase Bitcoin

White House Says Gold Reserves May Be Used to Purchase Bitcoin

  • Just when you think the clown car is full, that there is no way they will get another clown in there, clown world manages to cram another in.


  • Donald the felon trump, doing his best to rape every single American he can.

  • Make sure to tell a magat how much you hate them today for bringing this fucking bullshit upon us

  • Let's just send the gold to North Korea and skip the middleman. /s

  • I hate that they even say this shit... Like I get this is just a blitz of information in the attempt to overwhelm us, but goddamn is it manufacturing anxiety. Wasn't it investing 101 that uncertainty is bad?

    • I hate that they even say this shit.

      Me too. It's overwhhelming on the face of it, but now with the added bonus that they are provenly quite capable and willing to put such brainfarts into action.

      Sometimes I think: "don't fall for it, the outrage is the point!" but then I think: "that just makes it easier for them to get away with it!"

      • I figured the owner class/military industrial complex pulling the levers would be most pissed about all of this and attempt something, but the market isn't super crazy and the only resistance is leftwing grassroots, which isn't neo-lib.