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  • I have 4 weeks left of college and am a shell of myself. On my second cup of coffee today and I still have several chapters to get through, 3 discussion posts and two papers that I'd like to get done by Saturday (Friday is the best case scenario) so I can rest on Sunday.

    But on the plus side, I get my hair done Wednesday!!!! I'm holding out until then

    • That's rough mate. Being a shell of yourself is a horrible feeling, it's just bad. You've already done so much but still have so much to do, it's neverending and overwhelming. You're being sensible aiming to give yourself a break you need that time.

      Great news about your hair! What are you getting done?

      • I'm getting the bottom half of my hair dyed burgundy. I can count on one hand the number of times I've gotten my hair professionally done and I'm excited. I love the color red and I'm excited to do something just because I want to.

        I do feel much better after taking a nap in the afternoon, but until I got rest, it was a very bad feeling. Just 4 more weeks left and I'm free!