Weekly chatter thread week of 24th March
Weekly chatter thread week of 24th March
Want to natter but don't want to do a full post? Natter away here!
Weekly chatter thread week of 24th March
Want to natter but don't want to do a full post? Natter away here!
I'm really struggling today guys. Peri brain fog is bad and I can't concentrate or hold a train of thought. I'm retired so usually it doesn't affect me too badly, but I do still do some consulting, and I've got a meeting this afternoon that I'm trying to prep for. I'm actually in tears from the frustration of just trying to focus on the few remaining tasks on my plate. Everything is overwhelming and I just feel broken today.
I am sick, my throat hurts and I won't be able to go to the Lord of the Rings concert I've been looking forward to. :( On the bright side, I've finally had the time to install LineageOS on my old Google Pixel.
Oh noooooo that's so disappointing mate. The timing is dreadful. Be nice to yourself today you need it
My decorator is round doing loads of sanding. I'm trying to prep for a big work meeting tomorrow which I'm nervous about which isn't ideal!
Good luck with your meeting!
Thanks klemptor!
I have 4 weeks left of college and am a shell of myself. On my second cup of coffee today and I still have several chapters to get through, 3 discussion posts and two papers that I'd like to get done by Saturday (Friday is the best case scenario) so I can rest on Sunday.
But on the plus side, I get my hair done Wednesday!!!! I'm holding out until then
That's rough mate. Being a shell of yourself is a horrible feeling, it's just bad. You've already done so much but still have so much to do, it's neverending and overwhelming. You're being sensible aiming to give yourself a break you need that time.
Great news about your hair! What are you getting done?
I'm getting the bottom half of my hair dyed burgundy. I can count on one hand the number of times I've gotten my hair professionally done and I'm excited. I love the color red and I'm excited to do something just because I want to.
I do feel much better after taking a nap in the afternoon, but until I got rest, it was a very bad feeling. Just 4 more weeks left and I'm free!