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  • Not all Albertans are stupid... Just most of us unfortunately :(

    I'm sorry for my shitty province

    • Susceptibility to propaganda is Universal. It crosses party lines, politics, religions and creeds and works as effectively, regardless of intellect. Older folks and sane-washing American politics is completely tied to the fact as of today 90% of all "Canadian Newspapers". Broadsheets, Business Press, Tabloids, all of them. Are owned by Postmedia Network. An American-owned media conglomerate owned by Chatham Asset Management. They own everything from the Toronto Star to the Vancouver Sun and The Calgary Harold. This is why PP is so determined to bash CBC and call it wasteful. It is the only major, PUBLIC Canadian-owned media outlet we have left. CTV and CityTV will never be critical of Rogers, for the same reason WSJ will never criticise Amazon's acceleration of Global Warming in order to open new trade routes through the Arctic. Corporate Media, serves corporate interests and corporate interests come at our collective expense. The divisiveness perpetuated by denigrating your fellow worker as the enemy. The one who is to blame for the state of the world, is nothing short of the literal grand illusion that they strive to maintain over our lives. Through tracking and recording our every waking moment, copying every automatic backup, before you knew you could opt out. Every credit card number, passport, photograph of your love ones.

      Curating purposefully addictive technology with the unending scroll and "short-form content." Liberal and Conservative. It is the great lie that we have to abandon. It is NOT right and Left, it has always been .01% vs 99.08% with the middle class existing to buffer our corporate owners from our collective grievances. Do not fall into the trap of separating yourself, or seeking to place yourself as higher in social value, due to the fact that you can see how others are lied to and manipulated. Social media has always been the surveillance arm of billionaire Capitalists, through which, we have all been lied to and manipulated. We all are isolated, profiled and fed an algorithmically curated worldview. Catered to us by companies who know us better than we know ourselves, with AI search tools capable of ensuring we are always fed a steady stream of niche content, to keep us pacified, engaged and out of the streets with guns. Where we should be. Who's to say any of our independent understandings of reality are correct? Everything is owned by Them. MSNBC exists to give you an outlet, Rob Carney's a central banker for fucks sakes. Don't apologise on behalf of "others" we need solidarity, we need understanding and commonality and community. We are not the problem, the problem is that those whose financial class begins with a "B" aren't utterly terrified every single waking moment of their lives.

      The problem is that we have yet to get to the point where we make FightClub a Documentary. We have yet to tie them to saddles while we horseback ride through cobblestone streets. I know it's so hard not to be spiteful, but we must not allow made up party associations to remain dogmatic political values. When they share no tangible connection to one another and when we all share so much more between us than the ruling corporatists tell us we do. They are not like us, we are like all Albertans.

  • While I agree with the message, why the hell is a Sports Shock Jock writing political articles?