Just beat doomslayer yog on 3 challenges!
Just beat doomslayer yog on 3 challenges!
Just beat doomslayer yog on 3 challenges!
Laaame tell me when u beat doom slayer yog 9 chal with tier 1 weapon no wands no alchemy no food without touching ur phone
You jest but in the reddit version of the PD forum there actually are people who are this elitist and always having to one-up every person's accomplishments in the comments.
Which challenges?
Badder bosses (required for doomslayer), hostile champions, swarm intelligence.
congratulations!! how many times you tried?
First actually. I used to play on 6 challenges regularly but I lowered the difficulty to get back into the game after a long break :)
Just working my way up with the challenges after each win