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  • Dan Savage had some good advice a while back:

    Your awkward/repulsive stage will pass. In the meantime, here’s what you need to do: worry less about getting your young teenage self laid and start thinking about getting your 18- or 20-year-old self laid. Join a gym and get yourself a body that girls will find irresistible, read—read books—so that you’ll have something to say to girls (the best way to make girls think you’re interesting is to actually be interesting), and get out of the house and do shit—political shit, sporty shit, arty shit—so that you’ll meet different kinds of girls in different kinds of settings and become comfortable talking with them.

    It is much easier to talk to someone when you have something to talk about.

  • These are normal reactions that a lot of people experience. It's not easy to put yourself out there.

    I think it's healthy to spend time finding your "tribe" and putting as much effort into that as you put into interpersonal relationships. Find something to be your third place away from home and work/school.