Mashriqu’l-Adhkár - Bahá’í Gran Columbia run.
Mashriqu’l-Adhkár - Bahá’í Gran Columbia run.
Started this campaign as an adventurer run where I got a random event to convert to Bahá’í. Took it and spread the religion around before some vassals I converted deposed a Llanero, Aria De Machete king and put my character on the throne.
From there I became head of the faith and built a large empire that later switched over to admin. By the end Bahá’í was the worlds largest religion and we were able to muster larger armies than Brazil.
Sadly I was never to form actual Gran Columbia since its restricted to characters of the Divina Patriota faiths but I did fulfill all the requirements besides that.
Overall one of my favorite campaigns to date. I would highly recommend giving South America a go for future ATE campaigns. I know I will be visiting the region again.