Donald Trump suggests US could join British Commonwealth
Donald Trump suggests US could join British Commonwealth

Donald Trump suggests US could join British Commonwealth

Donald Trump suggests US could join British Commonwealth
Donald Trump suggests US could join British Commonwealth
Isn't that the literal opposite of what the founding fathers wanted?
I think his plan would be to try to take it over and become king somehow?
Charles, fwiw, I feel like this situation is so unprecedented that you could very feasibly let him try, and then just whack his head off at some point with a fuckoff huge claymore and remark disdainfully that “his life was an insult to Our Throne and Empire”, then everyone would nod and agree, and then nip down to the pub for a pint.
Look, no disrespect to King Chuck, but he could no more swing a claymore to any effect than Trump could string together a coherent argument.
All I mean to say is that if he did something monarchic that ultimately resulted in orangeboi’s cranial region losing acquaintance with his neck and torso, I would not be upset by such a development.
I think the clumsy wielding and erroneous chopping would make for an even more entertaining decapitating, but it may require for Trump to be properly tied or chained to something sturdy.
Side Shower Thought: any form of capital punishment of Trump may make the English King popular again after give or take 250 years, what a celebration and historic moment that would be!
He's just saying crazy shit to distract peoplefrom all the stuff his administration is trying to do.
Does he know what it is? Do we have to reinvade? Imagine if we got him to sign America over to us because he got an extra visit with royalty or something lol
At this point, please take us back. We weren’t responsible enough for democracy.
Maybe you and the decent ones could come over here and we'll send out crappy ones over there. Or vice versa!
Or fuck it, we'll all go beg the scandi countries to take us in. Way crazier stuff is happening right now.
We were for 200 years, but then Nixon happened, and instead of fixing it, we doubled down with Reagan, then instead of fixing that we got here.
It sounds ridiculous but then I wonder if trump could resist the offer of a knighthood.
We can only hope Charles takes the opportunity that would avail itself:
Do you want Oceania? Because this is how you get Oceania...
I don’t think Trump realizes how many brown people there are in the Commonwealth
Aren't the Brits also legendarily racist? Like, we had to get it from somewhere.
Yeah... unfortunately we had an incident last year where our version of MAGA tried to burn brown asylum seekers alive. We had some decent anti-racist protests after that though.
He needs them to feed into the machine that powers the Elitewealth.
“Nah bruv. We’re fine.”
I mean, go ahead. It’d be funny for America to join what they fought so hard in the 18th century to leave.
America’s founding fathers are rolling in their graves.
I don’t know , it’s certainly better than the tyrant in charge now.
Trump HATES America
Bout to be British innit?!
He doesn't understand the King of England isn't in charge of shit...
How well would US Xian nationalists (Christofascists) get along with the CoE? Is the latter, like the former, actively attempting to acquire absolute power over social matters in their country? Would the two be of like minds w/respect to doctrine?
D'you think he mis-heard 'commonwealth' as something else?