do regular apps work with eOS?
do regular apps work with eOS?
do regular apps work with eOS?
Yes, all of the various degoogled Androids work with normal apps
Unless that app requires google play services...
eOS is just Android, so Android apps work.
That aside, eOS has a history of being often behind on security patches and updates, so it is highly recommend to avoid it.
That also depends a lot. Often (e.g. on Fairphone) the stock ROM may lag behind way worse than e/OS.
So if a user has reasons to avoid a Pixel, or just wants to improve their privacy without replacing their device, e/OS may be a marked improvement even on security.
Are there any other Android based OS that are neither Google nor flawed?
I've been on eOS for four years and I have never had a single security incident. You people love to parrot the same shit over and over
Just because you have not had a problem does not mean they aren't behind on patches.
Table here
I've eOS on several of my devices: my bank app works on my phone but I had to close my revolut account because their app requires google safetynet.
Not quite, it requires Play integrity.
Safteynet seems to mostly work.