Libertarians be like
Libertarians be like
repost, but it's been a while
Libertarians be like
repost, but it's been a while
As a former Libertarian, I approve this meme.
Socialism or fuck off
This is the all-time most succinct encapsulation of libertarian thought - giving the government power by voting is tyranny, but random people getting it as a side-effect of money is Freedom.
Old enough to remember libertarians who were smugly asserting Social Security caused the Iraq War.
Now we're stuck with the libertarians who smugly assert that the Department of Education causes transgender teenagers.
To be clear, they also like .gov tyranny if it’s the right flavor
Yeah, the last 6 months has really shown what Libertarians are made of. Fucking disgusting hypocrites.
They've always been that way. Its not surprising the "we need to be more selfish" crew isn't standing up for anyone
It never makes sense why some on the right are fine with private authoritarianism
Weak minded people are easy to exploit
In other words the people supporting this shit are idiots who have no critical thinking skills.
How about .org
Fucking spectacular meme bravo contender for meme of the month at least if not quarter
It's a repost of an old meme. Idk if that disqualifies it for your award
It’s a relevance based award system not a novelty based system so I’ll inform the committee but that’s quite normal
We're not all ancaps
All libertarians want policies that will allow major corporations to walk all over them, whether they realize it and have a problem with it or not.
Polish libertarians are mostly libertarian-christo-nazi-monarchist mix, and before you ask, i don't see much sense in this either, but they manage somehow.
It's the 98% that make the other 2% look bad.
Because every single conservative is an armband wearing Nazi kkk member racist that hates anything that is new and every Democrat is a child eating baby rapist. Couldn't possibly be that average. People exist generally want the same things and that caricatures of rival political idealogies are not always the most accurate.
Eh, arguing is fairly pointless and it's fair for them to point out that with the MC in charge of the LP the other types of libertarians no longer matter.
By that logic since Trump won and narrowly scraped a win out of the election putting them in charge. The Democrats no longer matter. What's the point of having resistance to compete with the People's choice of fascistic rule.
Sounds kind of silly when I say it like that doesn't it?. Just a wild thought you know maybe that instead of focusing on a cultural war that doesn't need to exist, we can focus on the more class-bound issues.
But it's okay. I'm the enemy because Cheks notes the little letter next to my political party didn't agree with your pre conceived notions of what libertarianism is. But I'm sure all Republicans and Democrats are exact charachactures of pure evil just like my social media drivels as I lack the ability to see the best in people or to realize generalizing groups of people is not a good look.
I do understand your frustration though the MC can suck my entire dick
Is ancap not synonymous with libertarian? Either way, you all lack understanding of what the government needs to do for an area to function
That's like saying that all Democrats are liberal progressives... And you're assuming a bit much there. Some of us do believe in government.