A bold claim by Bostic, this adhesive works even lower than absolute zero
A bold claim by Bostic, this adhesive works even lower than absolute zero
A bold claim by Bostic, this adhesive works even lower than absolute zero
This page mentions a more realistic range of -40°C to 100°C. Maybe an intern read the ° as 0 and nobody doublechecked the packaging design.
Yeah that makes sense.
Well, since there are no "degrees" in Celsius measurements, that seems unlikely?
Celsius is the actueal unit of measurement, unlike Farenheit, which is a scale with the units being degrees.
Guess the everyone around me and I have been using Celsius wrong then...
It definitely uses degrees.
I think you're mistaking Celsius and Kelvin. Celsius is absolutely measured in degrees.
Hard to prove wrong
Read exactly what it says: 1000C and minus 400C.
It's not talking about temperature but about charge rate. This works on batteries that are charged with up to 1000C and discharged with up to 400C.
I've been looking for a way to attach my Bose Einstein condensates together and it looks like I've finally found it.
Sounds like they're full of shit
Things will definitely not move then.
Should still be 0K.