80 Teslas damaged at Hamilton dealership, largest car vandalism reported in Canada against the U.S. company | CBC News
80 Teslas damaged at Hamilton dealership, largest car vandalism reported in Canada against the U.S. company | CBC News
80 Teslas damaged at Hamilton dealership, largest car vandalism reported in Canada against the U.S. company | CBC News
Doing God's work
It's believed to be the largest vandalism in Canada against vehicles from the U.S.-based car company.
This strikes me as an odd qualifier.
Have there been larger vandalism incidents in Canada against vehicles from companies based in countries outsides the states?
Maybe your question should have been 'have there been ANY' valdalism incidents... Before now
Not larger no, that's what they are saying... I get you though but no... Had there been similar or close to this? Dunno .... This language is just coming from the US admin to make it seem like an attack the us. Rather than on Elon musk himself and his values and actions, which it is.
Didn't trump say he would concider the vandalism towards teslas a form of terrorism? And hasn't the usa used terrorism as a way to forcefully enter countries in order to "fight terrorism "? What if these acts have been performed by agents from the US to give the government an excuse to invade?...I'm also very stoned right now.
When Trump said he'd prosecute tesla vandals "with the full force of the law" it really highlights the unequal enforcement in our system. Its like saying "I'm going to turn on law enforcement right now just for this issue". He clearly does not believe in laws or law enforcement, or else he'd see how absurd a statement it was.
This and their dismantling of the EPA, IRS, FBI, and justice system shows that republicans are soft on crime, soft on the legal system in general, and disrespectful of law enforcement, except insomuch as they can be used as personal storm troopers for issues they care about-- usually to promote racism and class stomping of the poors.
Republicans are soft on America, but rock hard for Russia. I hope republican voters are proud.
How does the saying go? The core principle of conservatism is there are people the law binds but does not protect, and people the law protects but does not bind?
Or, another similar insight: liberals judge actions as good or bad and judge people by their actions. Conservatives judge people as good or bad and judge actions by the person performing them.
What Trump realized is he doesn't have to even pretend to enforce the laws objectively. Conservative Americans want selective enforcement. They want the government to go after liberals and leftists and minorities with the full voice of the law. They want law enforcement to ignore conservative crimes and hunt down liberal crimes, because conservatives are good people so their mistakes can be forgiven, but liberals are bad people so they must be guilty of something.
And that's where Biden fucked up. He had the FBI go after Trump relentlessly for four years in the belief that, if he could find enough bad actions Trump did, he could discourage conservatives from supporting him in 2024. What he didn't realize is, Trump's supporters would never condemn any crimes Trump committed, because they believe Trump is a good person and therefore what he does isn't a crime.
All Biden did was give Trump an excuse to send his FBI after his political enemies too. And Trump and his supporters are happy to use that power far more widely than Biden did.
I hope republican voters are proud.
You damn right they're proud! As long as the powerful white man is hurting the right people to keep them in their place they'll vote republican forever.
I'm not giving up my -shot-
Keep up the good work, brothers!
Not all that surprising that Canadians are especially pissed off. Didn't he say Canada isn't a real country and then he deleted the Tweet afterwards? Yes he did...
South Park did it first
Of course he would have deleted it, so nice capture! And thanks for sharing. What a loser manchild -Elon
I read something earlier in the week about a tesla dealership being vandalised here in N Ireland. Might be a worldwide thing.
Antifa, perhaps the greatest threat to Nazi automobile manufacturers the world has ever known.
Burn it all down! Every thing that fascist fuck has!
We need anonymous to dismantle Twitter and plummet it all so it can be amongst all the other apps that went to the grave.
Those are rookie numbers, we need to get them higher!
Remember a guy telling it is more efficient to paint over sold Tesla to discourage buyers. But we have to admit news of burning Tesla is pretty discouraging too.
In the words of Duke Nukem, "Hail to the king baby"
The king being us, the people, who outnumber the billionaires, the billionaires who can still bleed.
And if it bleeds we can kill it.
I guess he should have said "Hail to the proletariat"?
Ok but go at the billionaires. Not Dave from Accounting.
Useful idiots don’t get a pass for what they’ve done.
The man was a piece of shit before the first car rolled off. If you didn’t know it’s because you didn’t care.
Quite frankly we need to start shaming people bad for the products they buy because money is support under capitalism. If you buy something you are supporting that company and all the evil they do.
Tesla could solve most of their problems by firing Musk. Any other public company whose CEO makes a very public Nazi salute would fire that CEO.
Yes, he'd still be a large shareholder, but I think simply getting him out of the company would give a lot of people the sense that he faced some personal consequences for his actions, and that any companies who deal with Musk will also face consequences.
I think him being the shareholder is the problem. I don't care if we was to step down as CEO, I want to see him hurt financially. Especially since he bought twitter off his Tesla stocks. Hit his stock hard enough and when it comes time to pay for twitter, he'll be fucked.
You're right, but I suspect most people wouldn't see it that way with regards to Tesla. Depending on the terms of his current compensation package, I suspect it would be better for him financially if he just stepped down and held onto the stock.
But he's such a narcissist that he'd never do that.
Tesla could solve most of their problems by firing Musk.
They could have done this a LONG time ago... now the damage is done. Nobody would care he is no longer CEO (although that may help Tesla develop better cars), people are not going to want to drive a Swasticar anyway nor give money to a literal Nazi
Short of selling all his stock and completely disappearing from the public eye, Musk completely destroyed Tesla. There are simply better options that do not include helping/associating with a Nazi
If they fire him as the CEO. Now that would be interesting to see the turning events of that whole company. It would definitely salvage the massive amount of loss within their company. Which is insane because they would just have to fire Elon as the CEO. But I don’t know if they can salvage the company because the reputation of it all. The damage is massive.
We should give Elon more billions as an interim bonus instead.
-The Tesla board, probably
The companies board and senior leadership are his family and loyalists, therefore the company is fascist and should be destroyed, regardless of Space Karens involvement.
Yes, he'd still be a large shareholder
If they fire him, he would sell. This would tank the stock value.
They're damned if they do and damned if they don't.
His family members and deep associates are on the board, they voted to pay him $55 billion. They're all corrupt.
The stovk price is also all vibes based around him.
Edit: he wouldn't sell, though. He couldn't sell that much. He also has a bunch of loans leveraged against his stock aa collateral. Those collapse if the stock price collapses.
Yes, he’d still be a large shareholder, but I think simply getting him out of the company would give a lot of people the sense that he faced some personal consequences for his actions
On one hand, that might indeed satisfy a lot of the public. On the other hand, we ought to consider that a bad outcome because the real goal should be to tank TSLA to the point that Musk's holdings no longer suffice as collateral and he's forced to sell Xitter.
He would need to get rid of his stock before I even consider buying from any of his companies' products.
Not getting starlink for my van. I guess I'll have to stick close to cell towers on work days.
Exactly, Musk needs to go. Even apart from his abhorrent behaviour this dude supposedly has so many jobs, how can he possibly be doing them all to a reasonable standard let alone one deserving of his insane compensation.
I wonder how much money firing him would cost. The initial pay package was a stupid $56 billion. They'd probably have to pay pretty much that amount, and then hire a new CEO still.
Even after losing 50% of their value their market cap is still ~750 billion. They’re still valued at nearly 3x what Toyota is, and leagues above any other auto manufacturer. Their investors won’t do anything until they lose way more value, sadly.
And ending production of the Swastitruk would help.
Oh no... Any way...
At this point it is most likely that it’s the dealerships themselves trying to burn these for the insurance.
Tesla's aren't selling?
I mean if they are the ones setting them on fire they don't need to claim it is arson since it is. They just need to claim they weren't the arsonists.
Probably. Unfortunately side effect is it constantly reinforce in people, "wow people really hate teslas" and further damaging the brand. I find it hard to believe Canadians would due this kind of a thing. Not that they couldn't, i just have a hard time believing it.
largest car vandalism reported in Canada... so far.
I wonder what the insurance premium on a Tesla is these days?
The damage included "deep scratches and punctured tires."
Probably about the same as any other car.
a 2015 Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) study found that the Tesla Model S had higher claim frequencies, severities and overall losses than comparable large luxury cars. The higher claim severity was thought to be attributed to the car’s battery replacement cost — a whopping $16,000.
So teslas insurance has always been more expensive, and this sure isn't going to help.
It's very sad that people care more about the feelings of cars than the feelings of people. Cars fucking suck. Cars are tools of oppression.
It’s not about the cars. It’s about what a powerful billionaire is doing to people.
Targeting the cars is just a way to discourage Telsa ownership, tank the stock, and give Musk less power and leverage. A lot of his power comes from his ability to borrow against Tesla.
For the past 100 years car dependency has been the sole reason for the destruction of the working class. Henry Ford the Nazi, combined with conspirators in the US government, bulldozed low income neighborhoods to build highways and create suburban utopias for rich white folk.
Car dependency is a disease which needs to be cured.
oh no.
those are rookie numbers, we can do better!
Make their insurance super high.
The dealership has insurance and destroyed cars are like sold cars for Te... that company. Or am I missing something?
Big thing is that people now know Telsa’s are not just sold by a loon, they’re a vandalism target. Which is two pretty big reasons no to buy a car from Musk.
Even if you like Musk, do you want to have high insurance rates and spend time at the body shop?
and spend time at the body shop?
Fun fact: not only do Cybertrucks have bare stainless steel body panels, which are extremely difficult and expensive to repair because you have to bodywork them perfect since you can't use body filler, they have a frame made out of aluminum, which for various metallurgical reasons (work-hardening, forming a passivation layer that makes it much harder to weld, etc.) is also very difficult and expensive to repair.
In that sense, you're probably less likely to spend time at the body shop with a Cybertruck because it's designed to be damn near disposable.
They will have to pay here, yes. And then they will cancel the contract, because high risk and not worth it. The second act of vandalism will then hurt. And the question is: Will the insurance give them the "new" (catalog) price or the "market value" price?
Couple of claims by a dealership and their insurance will get cancelled.
"So, you're saying we get one free claim for as many cars as we can burn in one night without loosing our insurance?" - Them, probably.
Destroyed cars?
The damage included "deep scratches and punctured tires."
From the article. A quick polish and a time swap and they're as good as new.
Does Tesla use dealerships in Canada? In the U.S., they don’t. They have showrooms owned by the company itself and you order online. My state requires dealerships1 and just have service centers here.
1 It’s a wildly antiquated law. When cars first came out, states passed laws requiring dealerships to guarantee the car companies could service the vehicles. Those laws are still on the books basically because car dealership owners are generally rich people who buy state legislatures. (And there’s a shocking amount who are state legislators.)
Tesla does not have dealerships.
I doubt that insurance pays retail price to the dealers.
I’m not too concerned about the dealerships. They have insurance. But can these people stop doing it to privately owned vehicles? And also, stop harassing the telsers on the road. I’ve seen a few videos now of drivers being harassed. That’s not Canadian.
But can these people stop doing it to privately owned vehicles? And also, stop harassing the telsers on the road. I’ve seen a few videos now of drivers being harassed.
No. We need to make fascists afraid again. If you don't want to be bothered for owning a Klankar, then stop owning a Klankar.
afraid of what? These people are going to get caught and made examples of and honestly most of the world are not big fans of assaulting other people by proxy. Like I'm not okay going to break the windows in your acura because I think you bought a vehicle where the CEO turned asshole after the fact.
This was funny for a minute. But continuing to do it looks like we're just a bunch of stupid childish cunts.
Also, car dealerships are the backbone of local conservative party funding. They are the financial backbone of the fascist movement
I’ll use my fucking free speech to flip off teslas while I still fucking can. Until you physically stop me you will deal with it.
Flip them off all you’d like. That’s fine.
When you start brake checking people just cause? I don’t think yer doing the cause any favours.
Demonstrates to the American electorate that democrats celebrate and encourage criminal behavior. How does this help you win elections? Do you think an independent looks at this situation and thinks "Yes these are the people I want to be in charge." So shortsighted and childish.
As opposed to republicans that elected a 34 count felon, court-certified rapist, pedophile president? Party of law and order, am I right? Be glad that it's shitty, overpriced EVs they're targeting.
There is a different view to your statement. We live in a democracy and we had an election where the citizens chose a felon, Nazi, dictator over your side. They would rather have a court certified rapist in charge than you. Just think about that and understand how repulsive and out of touch you have to be for that to happen. This effort to destroy Tesla is only hurting your cause. It is counterproductive, childish, and small. It's almost like you want MAGA to win the next election.
I know right? Imagine stirring everyone up into a frenzy and encouraging them to do something illegal in the name of politics. Like storming the capitol. Moron.
This was in Canada, you doorknob.
You speak as though Chuck Schumer did this? In Canada?
Guess they didn't get the memo that we're not actually the 51st State.
You sound like a conservative plant lamenting the so-called peaceful liberals, you’ve been sold a lie
Whilst I do believe the American people were sold a lie (I'm not American) I think the barrage of down votes and cheap shots being thrown at @AidsKitty are undeserved. They clearly have a different view point on certain things but all their comments are polite and express their views respectfully. Anyway that's just how it looks to me 🤷