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  • It's TruckersMP for me because it's built on .NET libraries and I can't get truckersmp-cli to load my DLCs for whatever reason :|

  • shitty anticheat protected games where the dev has specifically chose to block linux?

  • hdr and mod organiser 2

    • HDR works fine with Plasma (KDE). Regarding MO2, do you think the Nexus Mods app could eventually replace it? They work on a native client that already supports a few games.

      • I've no clue I'm hoping on nma but it still only supports 2 games after all this time and both nmm and vortex were absolutely god awful if vortex worked it'd be fine as that works on Linux apparently but mo2 has a third party wine installer script that kinda works but fomod installers don't work so it doesn't really work it's kinda useless but yeah I'll just have to wait and see on nma

  • There’s plenty of software that is windows exclusive and has little to no Linux compatibility, although it is shit praxis, it is an argument to use windows

  • I did it as long as gaming kept me there. Now I can play pretty much anything on my Linux machine. Forza fucked up. But whatever. It's a not a game to die for.