I have never felt so laser-targeted by a meme in a community I've never seen before
Take it as a compliment, friend.
I enjoy IPAs, but it really is disappointing when you go check out a brewery and all they have are 7 IPAs, and 3 nasty ass sour fruit experiments. Give us some variety.
I want some good stouts that dont taste like drinking charcoal piss , our local breweries are just making IPAs cuz its known around
I just want some that are refreshing and either dry, Barrled Aged, or have natural ingredients used subtlety.
Especially when one of the 7 has something stupid like honey in it.
IPAs are lazy brews. Breweries want to make the next 90-Minute IPA. Personally, I like a crisp lager or amber most days.
Lagers are usually bottom of the barrel beers in my experience, but if you enjoy them its the right beer for you .. i like dark beers , taste of caramelised malt cant be beaten
Nevermind "variety", I straight-up don't like beer that's dominated by hops flavors.
I get some good stouts and porters where I live, though in the city it's pretty much lager or IPA or macro.
Luckily in Maine you can find lots of other styles too but a lot of places still don't have many options.