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  • jfc, it's the whole comment section. I expected a few assholes. Then they keep posting through it after they're objectively wrong.

    We're so hosed.

    Like, reddit libs can't even remember when they used to think orange-man silly because he's obsessed with China.

    • China bad. That’s the entire extent of their thought process. Aside from the rabid racism, of course.

    • To be fair (just enough), some of the China bad takes are getting clowned on in that thread, surprisingly, but it's kind of the same deal as the Klanadian parliament seal clapping a Waffen SS, some of them will go "Nevertheless, the fact I thought it was China means China bad" but the facts of the matter being embarassingly against it prevents them to really keep pushing the

      usual talking points

  • At a certain point I've become a little impressed with how deeply they've managed to embed those

    in redditors. The ones that aren't outright bots are more worm than brain by now

  • Casually racist website. Just like after 9/11 when it was very OK to to be casually racist against anyone who was tan skinned or appeared to be of a middle eastern descent and muslim.

    Just like back then, I predict in a few years we will get the rebound effect where we have episodes of a tv show or a movie where a Chinese character will appear to be the villain but actually help the white protagonist against the real villain (chinese state, or american defector to china). This is Hollywood's version of DEI.

  • American foreign policy - particularly americans talking about foreign policy - makes me want to die of dutch elm disease. As the late, great english-german disco author Georgio Moroderwell put it, "Imagine freedom fries. Forever"