Redditors call for Chinese blood after accidental maritime collision. neither vessel was Chinese.
Redditors call for Chinese blood after accidental maritime collision. neither vessel was Chinese.
Redditors call for Chinese blood after accidental maritime collision. neither vessel was Chinese.
In response to a comment explaining that neither ship was Chinese:
And this is why China needs to stop being gigantic bullies and jerks in those waters. It leads to tensions where even routine stupid collisions in very crowded waters are instantly assumed to be hostile actions. If this had been a Chinese ship that had been struck, the Chinese would have instantly reacted the same way and they would have started howling for blood before the facts were known. Until China dials down the aggression, this area is a powder keg that they have created and sparks are flying every day. Today's mishap was another spark and everybody is lucky that the shooting didn't start. It's up to the Chinese to stop this and dial back the tension.
edit: wow, the China trolls are out for this comment! Sorry, kids. Have a nice afternoon.
edit: wow, the China trolls are out for this comment! Sorry, kids. Have a nice afternoon.
I am the main character of the universe and am so important that the Chinese government is personally targeting me.
If China had done it, they would've reacted the same way. Why are they such bullies in this scenario I made up in my head? Now I'm angry, which is also China's fault!
The absolute dressing on this is how many of these dipshits immediately thought it was Chinese, without realizing if that were the case the headline would be something akin to 'Three dead and dozens injured after Chinese vessel collides with Philippines fishing merchant after taking dangerous route'.
The media is already nearly as sinophobic as possible and it STILL isn't good enough for these baying hounds.
The original title of the article called the accident an attack, before they confirmed it was not a chinese boat.
The media is already nearly as sinophobic as possible and it STILL isn’t good enough for these baying hounds.
Remember when something like 2 weeks ago Reuters published article slightly critical of Ukraine and was immediately called "Russian propaganda" and even literally "Lemmygrad news" on lemmy?
China made me shit my pants
Then Xi personally force fed it to me.
If this had been a Chinese ship that had been struck, the Chinese would have instantly reacted the same way and they would have started howling for blood before the facts were known.
Bro still can’t accept the embarrassment after shooting a $1 million missile at a child’s weather balloon
"If I simply project even harder, we can imagine a made-up scenario where I am the reasonable one. Checkmate!"
"If the situation had been completely different the Chinese might have done something bad if they acted like how I, someone who clearly hates Chinese people, presume they would act!"
Makes you think.
At least the replies to that post roundly rejected it though, even though this post managed to be upvoted. Trying to stay as bloomer as possible lol.
This might be the most Reddit moment of all Reddit moments to ever Reddit moment.
"Ah well, nevertheless"
Really makes you think
[–]HuJimX 37 points 4 hours ago yeah it’s definitely China’s fault that a Korean vessel sunk a Filipino fishing boat. fuckin mao ze dong
[–]stoopidmothafunka [score hidden] an hour ago I'm sure you're not personally invested in China's reputation, Hu Jim
"Hate the government, not the people"
Possibly Chinese person: actual argument
Cracker: have you considered that you’re asiatic?
Nick Mullen: "uhh, you're Chinese"
Oh shit, sometimes I forget that.
Literally rebutting the clarification. Unbelievable these people
Really incredible stuff. Even after learning it was a Korean ship they manage to blame China
Reddit has recognized our claim. Now is the time for China to reclaim our wayward tributary state. Once again the king of Choseon shall bow to the Middle Kingdom.
I remember that! It was like the MK ultra trigger went off for a bunch of people all at once
Iirc one of the first things Saddam did was make a statement that said (wildly paraphrasing here): "lol you guys totally deserved that but it totally wasn't me." He knew the USA would have that reaction.
Dude there was this cool coffee shop called Osama's that had to close after 9/11 because people kept destroying it.
People, man.
All those dorks talking about the mandate of heaven in an extremely orientalist way. Did Liz Truss have the divine right of kings? Lmao
It always tickles me when Westerners talk about "face" and "saving face". Like bruh are you seriously going to tell me you don't understand the concept of doing things to avoid embarrassment?
Yes she just lost it extremely quickly to a lettuce
Uncritical support for the divinely mandated lettuce
jfc, it's the whole comment section. I expected a few assholes. Then they keep posting through it after they're objectively wrong.
We're so hosed.
Like, reddit libs can't even remember when they used to think orange-man silly because he's obsessed with China.
China bad. That’s the entire extent of their thought process. Aside from the rabid racism, of course.
To be fair (just enough), some of the China bad takes are getting clowned on in that thread, surprisingly, but it's kind of the same deal as the Klanadian parliament seal clapping a Waffen SS, some of them will go "Nevertheless, the fact I thought it was China means China bad" but the facts of the matter being embarassingly against it prevents them to really keep pushing the
usual talking pointsHaters become waiters at the table of success.
At a certain point I've become a little impressed with how deeply they've managed to embed those
in redditors. The ones that aren't outright bots are more worm than brain by nowI scrolled down one random interval, saw some redditor talking about the Mandate of Heaven, and dipped.
America NEEDS a sinister enemy to function.
false flag alien attack keeps looking like a better idea every year
did someone say false flag alien attack?
they're still doing a bad job at functioning too
They need a sister enemy that also isn’t a key aspect of the economy or able to fight back. Which leaves out Russia and China.
The US is getting ready to invade Haiti.
Only because you have a humane viewpoint on how it should function
Casually racist website. Just like after 9/11 when it was very OK to to be casually racist against anyone who was tan skinned or appeared to be of a middle eastern descent and muslim.
Just like back then, I predict in a few years we will get the rebound effect where we have episodes of a tv show or a movie where a Chinese character will appear to be the villain but actually help the white protagonist against the real villain (chinese state, or american defector to china). This is Hollywood's version of DEI.
Chinese Red Sparrow
As a would-be academic historian, it makes my blood boil when these ignorant chickenhawks bring up the Mandate of Heaven as though that concept still had any political currency in China whatsoever
Grew up in China and did college in US. First time I read about “mandate of Heaven” in English-language histories of China I had to look it up cuz I had no idea what they were talking about, even with guess work
If it makes it better a school friend of mine did join the military and became an officer. During one lecture about China and the countries structure they heavily leaned on the "mandate of Heaven" and argued that bad economy means people think the heaven doesn't favour the leaders / CPC anymore and there might be a window for "economic reforms".
Rather than thinking material reality matters for people the Westerners hold up concepts that are at best orientalist caricatures of times long past. He came back from that workshop and was having a hard case of
brains.The US likes projecting how they really feel about themselves onto other countries.
If you think about it, Xi is just Lu Bu
mandate of heaven : drake frowning :: divine right of kings : drake smiling
Liberals are so bloodthirsty
Isn't Russia literally the world's largest producer of wheat?
I sure wonder how China would get food without maritime trade.
yeah China's not the UK even if they were to import food they could do it overland
My friend's partner grew up in China, when I asked them they said people who tend to have more money prefer imported food due to their negative association with food produced in China.
When I asked why, they said some of it seemed to be a holdover from the earlier tumultuous periods in China's recent history. They said their family would only eat imported beef for example. Note, this person could attend a school in the imperial core as an international student, they aren't representative of the average Chinese citizen, this is only an anecdote and should be treated as such.
I don't have a source for the following, unfortunately, but I was reading about the introduction in China of domestic production of pharmaceuticals to decrease costs and, you know, own the means of production. Some drug manufacturers couldn't compete or had to reduce costs by a large margin. For some that couldn't compete, they would license their branding for the domestic drugs since they had the trademarks and IP for it. One thing which I think is a corollary to what my friend's partner said, is that the article mentioned some wealthier Chinese would import brand-name drugs with the same active ingredient as the domestic one, because they thought they would be more effective.
What really got me was in the article they mentioned that only like, a set number of drugs are introduced, and even then places like hospitals have to bid on them in some way. As well, they don't get approved without rigorous testing. The anecdotes from the wealthier folks was that the imported stuff was better (i.e. more effective), if only slightly. The article also mentioned a few reports (I think from social media?) of people having apparent adverse reactions after they changed to the domestically produced drug. They also mentioned that there wasn't any research or studies showing that to be the case, and it was only a handful of reports. Something that was being investigated at present.
A few comments down threw some sense into the mix saying it sounds like astroturfing is at least playing some role, and someone linked a very interesting web archive link: Reddit admins accidentally reveal "Eglin Air Force base as the most "Reddit addicted city", from 2013. (and here's a link to the web archive page if the original reddit post goes missing)
I found this paper that a Redditor said was funded by Eglin which shows how to influence conversations online and control majority opinion, but keep in mind I haven't read the paper nor looked any deeper into the authors so take it with a grain of salt, unless you wanna look further.
Edit: apparently the official explanation is that Eglin is where military VPN traffic goes through, so everyone browsing Reddit on military networks does through Eglin. Kinda sus but seems reasonable imo
having all vpn traffic go through the same military base seems like it would be a major vulnerability
They have one neck now
There's no way the military just has a single VPN endpoint. That sounds insanely unreliable for an organization that's supposed to be able to handle war.
That paper is... something.
Basically all that calculus to say that individuals are influenced most by their closest peers and allow for more difference of opinion from them than strangers, therefore "agents" of a state (not kidding) should exploit this and find some way to use person-to-person social connections as a more covert decentralized way to manipulate people.
Pretty fucked tbh, and the Elgin airbase credit is there (more concerningly it's the research lab Munitions Directorate). The way things are going, I'm not convinced they'll ever find that "directed spanning tree" of influence that glowies are praying for. They've also got a whole paragraph of assumptions, like "the social states of leaders are immutable". LOL maybe they're not sending their best.
Edit: apparently the official explanation is that Eglin is where military VPN traffic goes through, so everyone browsing Reddit on military networks does through Eglin. Kinda sus but seems reasonable imo
If someone is in the military, do that have to use this VPN on every device at all times?
Honestly im kinda shocked there were a ton of normal people shitting on racist redditors in that thread compared to usual
probably because the agents/mods running r/worldnews nuked the thread so the reasonable redditors (yeah i guess there are some) were able to dunk with impunity.
lmao stop reading worldnews. It's been a shithole since its founding and won't ever change.
*since the deep state took over Reddit
I personally believe that Redditors are constantly braying for Chinese blood and this unrelated collision just happened to occur.
Evil motherfuckers
No other words for this behavior
Not only that, but the vessel they struck was a large tanker or container vessel. Unless the fishermen were in a sailboat, the bigger boat had right of way.
The comic of the kid setting up a room full of monster decorations and then crying on the floor because it scared him
This was me as a kid buying a glow in the dark hockey mask for Halloween, putting it on in the bathroom while looking in the mirror and then turning off the lights, at night.
ah well nevertheless
This is legitimately one of the most unhinged threads i have ever seen and that is truly saying something.
Stay away from /r/noncredibledefense then... The sheer number of "look guys I know we're all disappointed, I too was champing at the bit to split the skulls of a hundred million removed untermenschen and blow up vast swathes of civilian infrastructure, but sadly this excuse is slightly too bullshit even for us" comments was truly wild.
I dodnt know what that sub is and now i do oh fuck oh no
Looking into it.
They are already prepping for the coming war.
They should also be prepping for defeat or nuclear annihilation then, cause those are the only two possible outcomes
absolute fucken ghouls. these "people" deserve to receive the misery that they wish upon others, tenfold
Reddit is a nazi pedophile website, of course they would hate China, a country whose young people do more than stream video games for other nazi pedos
Uhh you're chinese
You know that last comment is from an American
And it's pure projection lmao. Has this numbnuts forgotten all the wars the US has started?
the angloid parietal lobe is only capable of retrospection up to 2 months
they literally cannot remember the invasion of Libya, nor other important events in history, likely because the anglo saxon climate is so abundant with regular rainfall, cool summers, warm winters, and lack of natural disasters that there was never any need for future planning or past reflection--the latter of which is necessary to even begin to parttake in an honest view of history.
Contrast this with other climates like in India China Africa or even Eastern Europe, where the presence of either a dry season, a cold season, or predictable natural disasters would have required planning and forethought, as well as reflection on past handling of these stresses. Humans here would have had to save and store either scarce food/wood resources or water resources on a massive scale, in order to make it through the cold (Russia) or dry (India) winter, instead of simply living in the moment with your needs instantaneously met by a humid rainy climate that never goes above 75F or below 40F.
(this is a bit but I'm honestly beginning to convince myself)
I know this actually has nothing to do with China, but does anyone have any information or resources on China's claims on the SCS?
The claims are actually quite modest. The US claims far more ocean with Alaska alone, which has less than 1% of the population of China.
Hawaii has more EEZ than the entire subcontinent of India.
Rules based international order and all that
the US claims far more ocean with Alaska alone
Our hardworking fishermen vs. their devious poachers. this is unironically the way its portrayed too, salmon prices collapsed this year to record lows due to decreasing demand and surplus of frozen fish leftover from last year's biggest-ever sockeye harvest in Bristol Bay and Trident (biggest processor here) sent a letter to the fleet in August justifying the lowest prices ever by saying that Russia had flooded the market with cheap fish to fund their genocide in Ukraine
Thank you comrades 🫡
That was very enlightening, this lead me to see France's EEZ as well, which was one of the most egregious claims that I've ever seen. Unsurprisingly the complaints about China are pure liberal projection.
What nobody ever talks about is that all the countries involved in the South China sea have maritime disputes with all the other countries. It's not just a China thing and there's many countries all over the world that have maritime disputes w others. It's a trivial issue that's being attempted to be brought to the international stage so the US has an excuse to increase its military presence in the area and to ratchet up tensions between countries.
Some good answers in this thread u/Ok-Cupcake2884 - originally from r/GenZhou
yeah sure here
Basically, China and Taiwan are completely aligned in their claims, China contests the Paracels with Vietnam (this claim is the most valid imo through effective occupation or conquest, take your pick), the Spratlys are contested by literally everyone, and Scarborough Shoal with the Philippines (by conquest). I'm sure I missed something, but at a high level those are the three big disputes.
China's primary justification is that these islands were historically Chinese (and, y'know, the Europeans just left chaos in their wake when the pulled out and Japan left even more chaos in its wake when it swept through Asia like a cancerous wildfire, and when it came time for peace talks the West decided not to invite China because "what China should we invite? Ah fuck it invite neither of them").
The islands are unpopulated and basically useless except to extend EEZ to the newly discovered oil reserves in the region.
God damn this is impressive. I spend my time hate browsing /r/worldnews and neoliberal and this is just something else.
American foreign policy - particularly americans talking about foreign policy - makes me want to die of dutch elm disease. As the late, great english-german disco author Georgio Moroderwell put it, "Imagine freedom fries. Forever"
A lot of those have to be AI bots right? I refuse to believe that the majority of those posters are real humans.