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Would you have a drink at lunch and then go back to work?

What would be the acceptability of this in your workplace? For context, which country and industry are you in?

I guess I'm mainly thinking about professional jobs, but interested to hear from. I think in France it would be quite common to have a glass of wine, even at a work canteen or so. But in the UK it seems like people would think that was a problem, and in a lot of cases you'd be in violation of something at work.

  • In my past life, I worked as Data Manager in a movie, at the lunch break, everyone would smoke pot as if nothing. I couldn't do it because I can't use computers while high.

  • UK/Astronaut

    We take a fifth of gin everytime our home country whizzes by, so that's a full glass over the entire workday, and it tends to make the job go faster.

    • You drink in space??? What kind of gin? What's being drunk in zero g like? I'm gonna vomit just at the thought of a space hangover mate

      • Hell yeah, spirits only though since no one's yet found a 'medicinal' reason to bring beer along. I like a bit of Hayman slo gin, we've got some Schadlerer schnapps, and plenty of clear bottles.

        Being drunk's pretty much the same but it hits you way faster and passes quicker too, hence why you only do a little bit at a time. No one's vommed yet, but got plenty of towels around for other reasons just in case

  • Where I work, it's a non issue. As long as it doesn't impact your work and nobody notices it (foul odor or behaviour), nobody could care less.

  • Canadian IT worker.

    I refuse to drink at work parties. Everyone else does and I get some peer pressure to drink but I don't care. Its normal to see people get super drunk and embarrass themselves which is why I don't even start.

    Specifically at lunch, if I'm not driving and others are having a beer I will but only one. If I'm driving, it depends on how I'm feeling.

    Working from home I've been known to have a beer or two on a Friday afternoon by my self.

    When I left my last job we had a meeting at the end of the day with the guys I got along with and anyone they wanted to invite. There was about 15 people from different departments with their cameras on having a drink or smoking (pot) if they didn't drink as a goodbye. Was a nice goodbye. Lol

  • I'm in the UK. I worked at a couple of places in the '90s - sysadmin and IT trainer - where this was considered perfectly acceptable at the time, but I definitely wouldn't now. I'm no longer in IT at all, but I don't think that it is seen as acceptable very widely anywhere now.